Section: Research Program
Research Objectives
The challenges addressed by team TEA support the claim that sound Cyber-Physical System design (including embedded, reactive, and concurrent systems altogether) should consider (logical, formal) time modelling as a central aspect.
In this aim, architectural specifications found in software engineering are a natural focal point to start from. Architecture descriptions organise a system model into manageable components, establish clear interfaces between them, and help correct integration of these components during system design.
The definition of a formal design methodology to support the heterogeneous modelling of time in architecture descriptions demands the elaboration of sound mathematical foundations and the development of formal calculi methods to instrument them that constitute the research program of team TEA.
Objective n. 1 – Semantics and specification of time in system design
Time systems. To mitigate and generalise algebraic representations of time, we propose to introduce the paradigm of "time system" (type systems to represent time). Just as a type system abstracts data carried along operations in a program, a time system abstracts the causal interaction of that program module or hardware element with its environment, its pre and post conditions, its assumptions and guarantees, either logical or numerical. Instances of the concept of time system we envision are the clock calculi found in data-flow synchronous languages like Signal, Lustre and its different incarnations. All are bound to a particular model of time.
To gain generality and compositionality, we wish to proceed from recent developments on hybrid types (Hybrid type checking. K.W. Knowles and C. Flanagan. ACM Transactions on Programming languages and systems, 32(2). ACM, 2010) (linked to interface and contract theories), refinement types (Abstract Refinement Types. N. Vazou, P. Rondon, and R. Jhala. European Symposium on Programming. Springer, 2013.), value-dependant type (Secure distributed programming with value-dependent types. N. Swamy, et al. International Conference on Functional Programming. Springer, 2011.) theories, to formally define a time system.
The principle of these type systems is to allow data-types inferred in the program with properties, possibly temporal, pertaining, for instance, to the algebraic domain on their value, or any algebraic property related to its computation: effect, memory usage (Region-based memory management. Tofte, M., Talpin, J.-P. Information and Computation, 132(2). Academic Press, 1997.), pre-post condition, value-range, cost, speed, time.
In the quest of an appropriate algebra for time, we are studying both the CCSL and PSL standards and, more generally, Kleene algebras (Automated reasoning in Kleene algebra. P. Höfner and G. Struth. Conference on Automated Reasoning. Springer, 2007.) which offer greater expressivity in the prospect of timed specification as well as refinement checking and verification (Algebraic Verification Method for SEREs Properties via Groebner Bases Approaches. N. Zhou, J. Wu, X. Gao. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Hindawi, 2013) (From monadic logic to PSL. M. Y. Vardi. Pillars of Computer Science, 2008.).
Being grounded on type and domain theories, a time system can naturally be equipped with program analysis techniques based on type inference (for data-type inference) or abstract interpretation (for program properties inference) (Timed polyhedra analysis for synchronous languages. Besson, F., Jensen, T., Talpin, J.-P. Static Analysis Symposium. Springer, 1999.). We intend to use and learn from existing open-source implementations in this field of research (The Microsoft F* project, .) in order to prototype our solution.
Relating time systems. Just as a time system formally represents the timed behaviour of a given component, timing relations (abstraction and refinement) represent interaction among components. Logically, their specification should be the role of a module system, and verifying their conformance that of a module checking algorithm.
Scalability and compositionality dictate the use of assume-guarantee reasoning, as found in interface automata and contract algebra, in order to facilitate composition by behavioural sub-typing, in the spirit of the (static) contract-based formalism proposed by Passerone et al. (A contract-based formalism for the specification of heterogeneous systems. L. Benvenistu, A. Ferrari, L. Mangeruca, E. Mazzi, R. Passerone, C. Sofronis. Forum on design languages, 2008) (Moving from Specifications to Contracts in Component-Based Design. S. Bauer, A. David, R. Hennicker, K. Larsen, A. Legay, U. Nyman, A. Wasowski. Fundamental Aspects in Software Engineering. Springer, 2012).
To further elaborate a formal verification approach, we will additionally consider notions of refinement calculi based on temporal logic (Refinement Calculus: A Systematic Introduction. R.J. Back, J. von Wright. Springer, 1998.), in order to possibly extend our interface and contract theories with liveness properties. The definition of a module/interface for timed architectures should hence proceed directly from the definition of its time system, using mostly existing theoretical results on the matter of module systems, interface and contract theories.
Conformance of time relations. Verification problems encompassing heterogeneously timed specifications are common and of great variety: checking correctness between abstract and concrete time models relates to desynchronisation (from synchrony to asynchrony) and scheduling analysis (from synchrony to hardware). More generally, they can be perceived from heterogeneous timing viewpoints (e.g. mapping a synchronous-time software on a real-time middleware or hardware).
This perspective demands capabilities not only to inject time models one into the other (by abstract interpretation, using refinement calculi), to compare time abstractions one another (using simulation, refinement, bisimulation, equivalence relations) but also to prove more specific properties (synchronisation, determinism, endochrony).
In the spirit of our recent work developing an abstract scheduling theory, we want to develop a method of abstract interpretation (La vérification de programmes par interprétation abstraite. P. Cousot. Séminaire au Collège de France, 2008.) to reason about the abstraction and refinement of heterogeneous timed specifications in the aim of checking their conformance. A source of inspiration in that prospect is the notion of contract abstraction (Compositional contract abstraction for system design. A. Benveniste, D. Nickovic, T. Henzinger.). To this end, we plan to use SAT-SMT solving techniques to check conformance of abstracted time constraints, in a way which we previously experienced with the automated code generation validation of Polychrony (Efficient deadlock detection for polychronous data-flow specifications. C. Ngo, J.-P. Talpin, T. Gautier. Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference (ESLSYN'14). IEEE, 2014.) (Formal verification of synchronous data-flow program transformations toward certified compilation. V.-C. Ngo, J.-P. Talpin, Gautier, P. Le Guernic, L. Besnard. Frontiers of Computer Systems. Springer, 2013.) (Enhancing the Compilation of Synchronous Dataflow Programs with a Combined Numerical-Boolean Abstraction. P. Feautrier, A. Gamatié and L. Gonnord. Journal of Computing, 1(4). Computer Society of India, 2012.).
To check conformance between heterogeneously timed specifications, we will consider variants of the abstract interpretation framework proposed by Bertrane et al. (Temporal Abstract Domains. J. Bertrane. International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE, 2011) to inject properties from one time domain into another, be it continuous (Abstract Interpretation of the Physical Inputs of Embedded Programs. O. Bouissou, M. Martel. Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation. LNCS 4905, Springer, 2008) or discrete (Proving the Properties of Communicating Imperfectly-Clocked Synchronous Systems. J. Bertrane. Static Analysis Symposium. Springer, 2006).
This will for instance enable the possibility of verifying cross-domain properties, e.g. cost v.s. power v.s. performance v.s. software mapping. This will allow to formalise intuitions such as that this typical inter-domain constraint: the cost of a system has an impact on the system's controlability; and allow to formally explain why: lower cost means hardware with lower performances, which means longer WCRTs, which means longer end-to-end latency, which may result in a response-time longer than controllability limits. This particular topic (which we could call cross-domain conformance checking) has not been studied in the related literature (on contract-based design, for instance), and could be based on both abstraction techniques, e.g. linear abstractions, or morphisms between domains or even discrete relations, e.g. a simple catalog or “price list” relating price and performance for a data-base of hardware components.
Objective n. 2 – A standard for modelling time in system design
A second objective, to be developed in parallel and synergy to objective n. 1, is the definition of an architecture-specific specification formalism, that would serve as semantic foundation, structure and repository for tooling a component-based design methodology with semantic analysis, to synthesise component interfaces, and formal methods, to verify specified requirements.
In project TEA, it will take form by the definition and tooling of a time annex for the AADL standard, based on the theory developed in objective n. 1. The aim of the AADL time annex is to formalise the logical and physical timing properties of architecture models and represent them as constraints expressed using regular grammars (like in PSL), or using the process calculus of CCSL.
This is an objective reminiscent and in direct application of the principle of time system (objective n.1). We not only want to model time in the heterogeneous logical and physical constituents in an AADL specification, but relate them, and verify the correctness of their composition.
Our aim is to start from the modelling standards AADL and CCSL to define a standard for time in system design. Our contribution will be formalised by a timing annex for the AADL and tools collaboratively developed to support its use. Our first milestone in this prospect is a report ("Logically timed specifications in the AADL – Recommendations to the SAE committee on AADL. L. Besnard, E. Borde, P. Dissaux, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, J.-P. Talpin, H. Yu. Inria Technical Report n.446, 2014.) of recommendations accepted by the AADL committee. Our next step, the submission of a time annex by team TEA at the SAE consortium, will employ the principles exposed in objective n.1 in order to formally define a modular and scalable specification formalism to specify heterogeneous timing constraints in the AADL.
Then, the specification of timing relations between AADL objects will be made explicit by contracts. Together with these contracts, we will then formally define abstraction and refinement relation in order to inject properties assumed by one component into the time model guaranteed by another, and vice versa. Lastly, conformance-checking abstracted contracts will be supported by state-of-the-art verification tools. This all will define a design methodology for time in the AADL, and our very last step will be to tool this methodology and provide a reference implementation.
Objective n. 3 – Applications to real-time scheduling
As a prime application of formal methods for interacting time models, scheduling thousands of program blocks or modules found on modern embedded architecture poses a challenging problem. It simply defies known bounds of complexity theory in the field. It is an issue that requires a particular address, because it would find direct industrial impact in present collaborative projects in which we are involved.
One recent milestone in the prospect of large-scale scheduling is the development of abstract affine scheduling (Buffer minimization in earliest-deadline first scheduling of dataflow graphs. A. Bouakaz and J.-P. Talpin. Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems. ACM, June 2013.). It consists, first, of approximating threads communication patterns in Safety-Critical Java using cyclo-static data-flow graphs and affine functions. Then, it uses state of the art ILP techniques to find optimal schedules and concretise them as real-time schedules for Safety Critical Java programs (Affine data-flow graphs for the synthesis of hard real-time applications. A. Bouakaz, J.-P. Talpin, and J. Vitek. Application of Concurrency to System Design. IEEE Press, June 2012.) (Design of Safety-Critical Java Level 1 Applications Using Affine Abstract Clocks. A. Bouakaz and J.-P. Talpin. International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems. ACM, June 2013.)
To develop the underlying theory of this promising research topic, we first need to deepen the theoretical foundation to establish links between scheduling analysis and abstraction interpretation (Abstraction-Refinement for Priority-Driven Scheduling of Static Dataflow Graphs. Submitted for publication, 2014.).
The theory of time system developed in objective n.1 offers the ideal framework to pursue this development. It amounts to representing scheduling constraints, inferred from programs, as types. It allows to formalise the target time model of the scheduler (the architecture, its middle-ware, its real-time system) and defines the basic concepts to verify assumptions made in one with promises offered by the other: contract verification or, in this case, synthesis. Objective n.3 is hence defined as a direct application of objective n.1.
Objective n. 4 – Applications to virtual prototyping
A solution usually adopted to handle time in virtual prototyping is to manage hierarchical time scales, use component abstractions where possible to gain performance, use refinement to gain accuracy where needed. Localised time abstraction may not only yield faster simulation, but facilitate also verification and synthesis (e.g. synchronous abstractions of physically distributed systems). Such an approach requires computations and communications to be harmoniously discretised and abstracted from originally heterogeneous viewpoints onto a structuring, articulating, pivot model, for concerted reasoning about time and scheduling of events in a way that ensures global system specification correctness.
Just as model checking usually employs goal-directed abstraction techniques, in order to approximate parts of the model that are not in the path of the property to check, we plan to equivalently define, possibly semi-automate, abstraction techniques to approximate the time model of system components that do not directly influence timing properties to evaluate.
In the short term these component models could be based on libraries of predefined models of different levels of abstractions. Such abstractions are common in large programming workbench for hardware modelling, such as SystemC, but less so, because of the engineering required, for virtual prototyping platforms. Additionally, the level of abstraction required to simulate components could simply (and best) be specified manually by annotating the architecture specification.
The approach of team TEA provides an additional ingredient in the form of rich component interfaces. It therefore dictates to further investigate the combined use of conventional virtual prototyping libraries, defined as executable abstractions of real hardware, with executable component simulators synthesised from rich interface specifications (using, e.g., conventional compiling techniques used for synchronous programs).
Just as virtual integration consists of synthesising the verification model of an architecture specification, virtual prototyping can be seen as synthesising an executable simulator from a model in, e.g., the spirit of the A-350 DMS case study that was realised by team ESPRESSO in the frame of Artemisia project CESAR (System-level co-simulation of integrated avionics using polychrony. Yu, H., Ma, Y., Glouche, Y., Talpin, J.-P., Besnard, L., Gautier, T., Le Guernic, P., Toom, A., and Laurent, O. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM, 2011.).