Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Program: e-Infrastructures

  • Project acronym: EoCoE

  • Project title: Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications

  • Duration: 3 years

  • Coordinator: CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)

  • Other partners: Forschungzentrum Jülich GMBH and 11 other partners. Inria is third-linked party of CEA.

  • Abstract: the aim of the project is to establish an Energy Oriented Centre of Excellence for computing applications, (EoCoE). EoCoE (pronounce “Echo”) will use the prodigious potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructure to foster and accelerate the European transition to a reliable and low carbon energy supply. To achieve this goal, we believe that the present revolution in hardware technology calls for a similar paradigm change in the way application codes are designed. EoCoE will assist the energy transition via targeted support to four renewable energy pillars: Meteo, Materials, Water and Fusion, each with a heavy reliance on numerical modelling. These four pillars will be anchored within a strong transversal multidisciplinary basis providing high-end expertise in applied mathematics and HPC.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Partner: ERCIM working group “Environmental Modeling”.

  • The working group gathers laboratories of ERCIM working on developing models, processing environmental data or data assimilation.