Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand, and Antoine Rollet visited Yliès Falcone during 1 week in January 2015.
Ezio Bartocci (TU Vienna) visited Y. Falcone during two weeks in August 2015.
Sylvain Hallé (University of Québec at Chicoutimi) visited Yliès Falcone during 1 week in December 2015.
Visits to International Teams
Research stays abroad
Fabrice Rastello visited P. Sadayappan at Ohio State University two times one month (mai 2015 + September 2015) in the context of the Inria Associate Team IOComplexity.
Ylies Falcone visited the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA) from February to July 2015.
Jean-François Méhaut visited M. Tchuenté at Yaoundé. (February 2015) in the context of LIRIMA (Idasco team).
Jean-François Méhaut visited P. Navaux at UFRGS (October 2015) in the context of LICIA and the Inria associated team Exase.
Jean-François Méhaut visited M. Castro and L. Pilla at UFSC (October 2015) in the context of the Stic Amsud EnergySFE project.