Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Fabrice Rastello: Steering Committee Journées française de la compilation
Frédéric Desprez:Steering committee for the ISC Cloud & Big Data conference 2015
Frédéric Desprez: General chair of VTDC 2015 (workshop within HPDC 2015)
Ylies Falcone: Chair of the second international competition on Runtime Verification (CRV 15)
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
Frédéric Desprez: Program co-chair BigDataCloud'2015 (workshop within EuroPAR 2015)
Frédéric Desprez: Global chair of topic “Grid, Cluster and Cloud Computing” within EuroPAR 2015
Member of the conference program committees
Brice Videau: EUROPAR 2015, SAC 2015, IPDPS 2015, COMPASS 2015
Ylies Falcone MSR 2015, RV 2015, ASE 2015, OOPSLA 2015, FM 2015, CAV 2015, DAC2015, DATE 2015
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Ylies Falcone Formal Methods in System Design, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Science of Computer Programming, Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Journal of Systems and Software, ACM Transaction on Aspect-Oriented Development, The Computer Journal, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Elsevier Computer Review, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability.
Invited talks
HiPEAC ACACES Summer School 2015 (teacher): “SSA-based Compiler Design”
Fabrice Rastello: LLNL, Apple Dec 2015: “Toward Automatic Characterisation of the Data Access Complexity of Programs”
Frédéric Desprez: Inria/EPFL Workshop, Jan. 2015: “Grid’5000: Running a Large Instrument for Parallel and Distributed Computing Experiments”
Jean-François Méhaut, Maison de la simulation, Saclay, France, March 2015: “BOAST: Un environnement de metaprogrammationpour une génération de code portable et efficace des noyaux de calcul HPC”
Jean-François Méhaut, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris, France, Journées inagurales de la machine de calcul, June 2015: “BOAST: Programmation des noyaux de calcul pour les projets européens Mont-Blanc”
Jean-François Méhaut, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianaolis, Brazil, October 2015: “CORSE: Compiler Optimizations and Rntime SystEms”
Scientific expertise
Frédéric Desprez: Referee for the Research Council of Norway
Frédéric Desprez: Reviewer for a project within the FET Initiatives in FP7 of the European Commission
Ylies Falcone Representative of France in the COST Action ARVI
Ylies Falcone COST Action ARVI, co-leader of Working Group on Core Runtime Verification
Jean-François Mehaut Eurolab-4-HPC EU action, member of the panel