Section: Dissemination


  • Presentation of a deformable robot in the Senate on 02/11/2015 at the "journée du numérique".

  • A popular article on the work of the team was simultaneously broadcast on the BIT Blog Site lemonde.fr and the Interstices website.

  • We worked with the Fresnoy (National Studio of Contemporary Arts) on the work of art: Exo-Biota artist Jonathan Pepe. This work was presented at the Panorama exhibition. It will be exhibited at the Palais de Tokyo in 2017. This project was the subject of an article on the humanoide.fr site.

  • At the Science Festival, our team has greatly contributed to the itinerant scholars operation. Scientists and engineers have moved in colleges and high school in the region to present their work. This year, 15 one hour lessons were conducted in front of 430 students in secondary schools (http://www.inria.fr/centre/lille/agenda/chercheurs-itinerants-2015 ).

  • Participation in various operations Chti'Code. Chti'Code is an action of the University of Lille 1, which aims to promoting computer education in primary schools. Damien Marchal intervened with 4 CM2 classes for a total of 20h. https://wikis.univ-lille1.fr/chticode/ .

  • In march 2015 Presentation of the work of Defrost students ISN Terminal specialty by Eulalie Coevoet and Jeremie Dequidt.

  • J.Dequidt made an invited presentation and was a member of the jury of robotics competition organized by the High School Baggio (SI @ Baggio): https://www.inria.fr/centre/lille/actualites/un-defi-de-robotique-interscolaire-a-lille .

  • J.Dequidt participated in the organization of the Robotics Cup of Primary Schools Polytech Lille. http://crep.plil.net/ .

  • J.Dequidt was a member of the European competition Android application creation students, supported by Google. https://competition.eestec.net/ .

  • A reporter did a paper about our team, posted on the site rue89 (over 11,000 visits to the article): http://rue89.nouvelobs.com/2015/10/27/les-robots-mous-solution-medecine-moins-douloureuse-261847

  • Defrost research works have been presented to students (Terminale ISN) by E. Coevoet and J. Dequidt in march 2015.