Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants : Thierry Turletti [contact] , Walid Dabbous.
DCE enables developers and researchers to develop their protocols and applications in a fully controllable and deterministic environment, where tests can be repeated with reproducible results. It allows unmodified protocol implementations and application code to be tested over large and possibly complex network topologies through the ns-3 discrete-event network simulator. The single-process model used in the DCE virtualization core brings key features, such as the possibility to easily debug a distributed system over multiple simulated nodes without the need of a distributed and complex debugger. Examples of tested applications over DCE include Quagga, iperf, torrent, thttpd, CCNx and various Linux kernel versions (from 2.6.36 to 3.12 versions). DCE was initially developed by Mathieu Lacage during his PhD thesis and is maintained by engineers in the team in collaboration with Hajime Tazaki from University of Tokyo. Our effort on DCE was reduced in 2015 due to lack of resources, but DCE/ns-3 represents an important component of R2lab in particular for performance comparison and hybrid (real/simulation/emulation) experiments. DCE is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use.
Keywords: emulation, virtualization, networking event-driven simulation
Type of human computer interaction: programmation C/C++, No GUI