Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committees
  • Paper Electronics Workshop, February 2015: Wendy Mackay (organizer)

  • MIDWAY Workshop, May 2015: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay, Joe Malloch (co-organizers)

  • MOCO 2015, International Workhshop on Movement and Computing: Sarah Fdili Alaoui (organizing committee)

  • Workshop on Supporting Creative Design Processes in Blended Interaction Spaces at ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015: Wendy Mackay (organizing committee)

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • ACM CHI 2015, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing: Wendy Mackay, Theophanis Tsandilas

  • ACM UIST 2015, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay

  • NIME 2015, New interfaces for Musical Expression: Theophanis Tsandilas, Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • CMIS 2015, Workshop on Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • IHM 2015, Conférence Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • GRAPP 2015, Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: Cédric Fleury

  • 3DCVE 2015, IEEE VR Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments: Cédric Fleury

  • MOCO 2015, International Workhshop on Movement and Computing: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • ACM CHI 2016 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Cédric Fleury, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Joseph Malloch, Ignacio Avellino, Ghita Jalal, Nolwenn Maudet, Carla Griggio, Germán Leiva, Jessalyn Alvina, Sarah Alaoui, Joseph Malloch, Alex Zinenko

  • ACM UIST 2015 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: Theophanis Tsandilas, Cédric Fleury, Ignacio Avellino

  • ACM TEI 2016 ACM Conference on Tangible Embodied Interaction: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • IEEE InfoVis 2015, IEEE Information Visualization Conference: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • GI 2015, Graphics Interface Conference: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • UBICOMP 2015, ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • IHM 2015, Conférence Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine: Cédric Fleury


Member of the editorial boards
  • Editor for the Human-Computer Interaction area of the new ACM Books Series (published with Morgan & Claypool Publishers): Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2013-)

  • CACM, Communications of the ACM Web Editorial Board, ACM: Wendy Mackay (2008-)

  • CACM Communications of the ACM New Publications Board, ACM: Wendy Mackay (2015-)

  • TOCHI, Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, ACM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2009-)

  • JIPS, Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système, AFIHM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2009-)

  • IJHCS, International Journal of Human-Computer Study, Elsevier: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Member of the Advisory Board, 2009-)

  • JCSCW, Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Springer: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Member of the Advisory Board, 2010-)

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG): Theophanis Tsandilas

  • Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI): Wendy Mackay

  • Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'15): Wendy Mackay

  • International Journal of Human-Machine Studies (IJHMS): Wendy Mackay

Invited talks

  • Keynote address at ACM/TEI'15 (Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction) Interactive Paper: Tangible Computing from the Digital Desk to Music Composition 19 January 2015: Wendy Mackay

  • Keynote address at LTM21C (Learning and Teaching Music in the Twenty-First Century: The Contribution of Science and Technology) Supporting Creative Expression with Co-Adaptive Human-Computer Partnerships 5 November 2015: Wendy Mackay

  • Keynote address at Paper Electronics Workshop Interactive Paper: A Whirlwind Tour of Tangible Computing from the Digital Desk to Music Composition 20 February 2015: Wendy Mackay

  • Research Seminar at University of Munich Interactive Paper: Tangible Computing from the Digital Desk to Music Composition 8 July 2015: Wendy Mackay

  • Research Seminar at KTH, Sweden Interactive Paper: Tangible Computing from the Digital Desk to Music Composition 30 January 2015: Wendy Mackay

  • Microsoft Faculty Summit Dynachord July 08 2015: Jianqiao Li

  • GT Interco3D @ IHM 2015, “Perception spatiale dans des systèmes de téléprésence adaptés à des murs d'images”, 27 October 2015: Cédric Fleury

  • Microsoft Research - Devices and Networking Summit - 11-13 May 2015, Paris - panel The Next Big Hurdle, “The myth of perfection”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • NCRS-CNRS Korean-French workshop - 30 June 2015, “Human-Computer Interaction”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • CNRS workshop “Sciences Sociales et Cognitives du Comportement” - 16 July 2015, “Interaction Humain-Machine et Sciences du Comportement”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • TedX Leuven, “Instrumented Bodies: Designing Interfaces for Digital Performance’', 20 February 2015: Joseph Malloch

  • Centre National de la Danse, “Rencontre entre notateurs’', 2 December 2015: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • Inria Lille, “Interaction Beyond Computation”, 16 October 2015: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Inria Lille, “Sketch-based interaction for creative exploration”, 11 March 2015: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • Journées Scientifiques Inria, InriART,“Supporting Computer-Aided Composition with Interaction on Paper”, 17 Juin 2015: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • Université Paris Sud, “la journée Sciences du Mouvement FEDEV’', 27 Novembre 2015: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • Inria Lille, “Designing Interfaces for Digital Performance’', 15 July 2015: Joseph Malloch

  • Inria Lille, “Interactive Systems for Music and Dance Performance’', 7 December 2015: Joseph Malloch

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Digiscope “Equipement d'Excellence”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Scientific director)

  • Doctoral School in Computer Science (EDSTIC), Université Paris-Saclay: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (co-director, Data, Knowledge, Learning & Interaction section)

  • DigiCosme “Laboratoire d'Excellence”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (chair of theme Interaction-Visualization and member of scientific committee)

Scientific expertise

  • European Research Council (ERC), Avanced Grants Expert Panel: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (external expert)

  • FWF (Austrian Science Fund): Wendy Mackay (external expert)

  • Sapere Aude Starting Grant, Danish Council for Independent Research, International Advisory Board: Wendy Mackay (external expert)

  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), appel à projets génériques “IHM, Contenus, Connaissances, Big Data, simulation, HPC”: Cédric Fleury (reviewer), Theophanis Tsandilas (reviewer)

  • CNRS Mission pour l'Interdisciplinarité, Action “Sciences Sociales et Cognitives des Comportements Collectifs”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (committee member)

Research administration

  • Computer Science Department (“GT-STIC”), Université Paris-Saclay: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of steering committee)

  • “Institut de la Société Numérique”, IDEX Laboratory of Université Paris-Saclay: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of steering committee)

  • Telecom ParisTech: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of research committee)

  • IRCAM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of scientific committee)

  • “Conseil de Laboratoire”, LRI: Wendy Mackay, Cédric Fleury (members)

  • “Conseil Scientifique”, LRI: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • CCSU, “Commission Consultative de Spécialistes de l'Université”, Computer Science department: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay (members)

Professional service

  • ACM SIGCHI Conference Management Committee: Wendy Mackay (member)

  • ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award Committee: Wendy Mackay (member)

  • ACM nominating committee: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • ACM Europe Council: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • EUACM Steering Committee, policy office of ACM Europe Council: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • AFIHM Working Group on Ethics: Wendy Mackay (chair)