Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

DigiPods – Remote Collaborative Interaction among Heterogeneous Visualization Platforms

  • Type: CESAME equipment grant

  • Funding: Région Île-de-France

  • Duration: 2012-2015

  • Coordinator: Stéphane Huot

  • Partners: Digiteo/FCS Campus Paris-Saclay, Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, CEA, Telecom ParisTech

  • Abstract: The goal is to design new interactive equipment and devices for collaborative interaction in immersive and high-resolution visualization platforms, connected through a high-end telepresence infrastructure. Beyond the usual interactive devices of such platforms (motion capture, interactive surfaces, haptic devices, audio and video systems), we are creating new devices to facilitate co-located or remote interaction and collaboration: telepresence robots and Digicarts, mobile hubs that gather interaction and communication devices. This equipment will be used by Human-Computer Interaction researchers to explore the visualization and manipulation of large datasets, interaction in virtual reality, and remote collaboration among heterogeneous platforms. Researchers and professionals in other fields will also be able to use DigiPods to explore and manipulate complex datasets.

DigiCarts – Remote Collaborative Interaction Devices for Heterogeneos Visualization Platforms

  • Type: Post-doctoral fellowship

  • Funding: Digiteo research network

  • Duration: 2013-2015

  • Coordinator: Stéphane Huot

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, CEA, Telecom ParisTech

  • Abstract: This grant complements the DigiPods project with funding for a 18-month post-doctoral position focused on the design, implementation and evaluation of the DigiCart devices. This project funded Joe Malloch, a post-doctoral fellow who received his Ph.D. from McGill University.

DigiZoom – Multiscale navigation: from mobile devices to collaborative wall-sized displays

  • Type: Ph.D. grant

  • Funding: Digiteo network

  • Duration: 2012-2015

  • Coordinator: Olivier Chapuis

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, Institut Mines-Telecom

  • Abstract: The goal of the project was to study multiscale navigation on a variety of devices, with an emphasis on large wall-sized displays in the context of the Digiscope project. This requires to properly operationalize the relevant factors in the various tasks that we seek to study. This work led to an award-winning publication at ACM CHI'14 [6] , which introduces an abstract classification task to compare the performance of interaction techniques for navigating and manipulating content. This project funded Can Liu, a joint PhD student between the VIA group at Institut Mines-Telecom and InSitu who defended her thesis [10] in december, 2015.

MultiVis – Novel Interaction Models for Multi-surface Visualization

  • Type: Ph.D. grant

  • Funding: DigiCosme Labex

  • Duration: 2014-2017

  • Coordinator: James Eagan (Institut Mines Telecom)

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, Institut Mines-Telecom

  • Inria contact: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Abstract: The goal of this project is to design, evaluate, and implement novel interaction models that help users appropriate multiple computational surfaces in the sense-making process. Our initial approach is to operationalize and extend the instrumental interaction model to specifically accommodate the specific needs of the sense-making process for information visualization. This project funds Marc-Emmanuel Perrin, a joint PhD student between the VIA group at Institut Mines-Telecom and ExSitu.

MoveIT – Modeling the Speed/Accuracy Trade-Off of Human Aimed Movement with the Tools of Information Theory

  • Type: Ph.D. grant

  • Funding: DigiCosme Labex

  • Duration: 2015-2018

  • Coordinator: Olivier Rioul (Institut Mines Telecom)

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, Institut Mines-Telecom

  • Inria contact: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Abstract: The goal of this project is to conduct fundamental studies of aimed movements based on information theory. The project studies the interaction phenomena involved in pointing, in order to discover novel, more effective pointing techniques. This project funds Wanyu Liu, a joint Ph.D. student between the COMELEC and VIA groups at Institut Mines Telecom and ExSitu.

SensoMotorCVE – Sensor-motor Interface for Collaborative Virtual Environments with Heterogeneous Devices: Application to Industrial Design

  • Type: Ph.D. grant

  • Funding: DigiCosme Labex

  • Duration: 2014-2017

  • Coordinator: Patrick Bourdot (LIMSI-CNRS)

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS

  • Inria contact: Cédric Fleury

  • Abstract: In the context of collaborative virtual environments, the goal of this project is to develop a sensorimotor interface model for CAD data manipulation that supports heterogeneous interactive systems such as wall-sized displays or immersive virtual reality rooms. This project funds Yujiro Okuya, a joint Ph.D. student between the VENISE group at LIMSI and ExSitu.

La Grande Vitrine des Choses

  • Type: Art-science grant

  • Funding: IDEX Paris-Saclay

  • Duration: 2015-2016

  • Coordinators: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon & Wendy Mackay

  • Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, Theater group n+1

  • Abstract: Art-science project funded by "La Diagonale Paris-Saclay" to create, in collaboration with the theather group "n+1", an interactive store front in the form of an advent calendar, where users must discover which gestures to perform in order make an animated character open the next window. This installation raises the question of who is controlling whom: Participants think that their gestures directly control the character, but the system actually uses shaping techniques from experimental psychology that encourage users to make successive approximations to the correct gesture. The installation will be active during the month of December, 2016 in the Evry shopping mall, next to the Agora Theater. A prototype will also be shown during the Fête de la Science on the Plateau de Saclay in October, 2016.