Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Prof. D. Aliaga from Purdue (US) visited in June for two weeks, Prof. K. Bala (Cornell, US), A. Shamir (IDC, IS), D. Salesin (Adobe, US) visited early September and participated in a workshop after the HDR defense of A. Bousseau. Prof. N. Mitra (UCL, UK), M. Alexa (TU Berlin, D) visited end September and participated in a scientific workshop after the defense of E. Iarussi.
Rahul Arora, was a Masters Intern, until Apr 2015 from IIT Kampur. Vivien Cabannes was a 3rd year intern from ENS Ulm from June 2015 until July 2015. Lorenzo Caroggio and Huayi Huang were last year engineering student interns from Univ. Genova in teh context of an ERASMUS exchange. Ayush Tewari was a Masters II intern from MOSIG Grenoble Feb. -Jul. 2015. Georgios Kopanas, was an ERASMUS intern from the Tech. Un. Thessaly, Sep.-Dec. 2015.
Visits to International Teams
G. Drettakis visited Berkeley in the context of the CRISP Associate team in August.