Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
A. Bousseau served on the Eurographics 2015 international program committee and on the SIGGRAPH 2015 program committee. G. Drettakis served on the SIGGRAPH 2015, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering and Eurographics 2015 program committees.
Member of the editorial boards
G. Drettakis is an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Graphics and the Computational Visual Media journal.
Invited talks
K. Vanhoey gave invited talks at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany), Karsruhe Institut für Technologie (Karsruhe, Germany), laboratoire LIRIS (Lyon, France), and laboratoire I3S (Sophia-Antipolis, France). K. Vanhoey presented the project “Unifying Color and Texture Transfer for Predictive Appearance Manipulation” at the French workshop on Rendering (GT Rendu) in Paris.
Leadership within the scientific community
G. Drettakis chairs the Eurographics working group on Rendering and chairs the local “Jacques Morgenstern” Colloquium organizing committee.
Research administration
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
A. Bousseau and G. Drettakis were reviewers for several major conferences (Eurographics, SIGGRAPH Asia etc.). K. Vanhoey is a regular reviewer for the Computer and Graphics Journal.
Research Evaluation
G. Drettakis served as an evaluator for the KAUST Visual Computing Center and the EC Fet Open Call in November-December.