Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Masters II: G. Drettakis, A. Bousseau: Foundations of Image Synthesis, CentralSupelec, Paris, 28h.
Masters I: A. Bousseau, G. Drettakis: Image Synthesis International Masters I, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 12h.
Masters I: G. Drettakis, A. Bousseau: Image Synthesis, Masters MAPI Cannes, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 12h.
Bachelors (Licence): A. Djelouah; Teaching assistant for the course of computer science at the university of Nice.
Bachelors (Licence): J. Delanoy; Teaching assistant for the course of databases and supervisor of student projects at IUT - University Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
Bachelors (Licence) K. Vanhoey teaches the Programming course (C language) in 3rd year of the “Electronics” department of Polytech Nice Sophia-Antipolis (32h).
PhD defended: Sylvain Duchêne, Computer Drawing Tools for Assisting Learners, Hobbyists, and Professionals , University Nice Sophia Antipolis, since October 2012 (defended May 2015), Advisor: George Drettakis, Co-advisor: A. Bousseau.
PhD defended: Emmanuel Iarussi, Computer Drawing Tools for Assisting Learners, Hobbyists, and Professionals , University Nice Sophia Antipolis, since October 2012 (defended September 2015), Advisor: George Drettakis, Co-advisor: A. Bousseau
PhD in progress: Rodrigo Ortiz-Cayon, Advisor: G. Drettakis. Started December 2013 (CR-PLAY)
PhD in progress: Johanna Delanoy, Advisor: A. Bousseau. Started October 2015 (Inria)
PhD in progress: Théo Thonat, Advisor: G. Drettakis. Started October 2015 (Region and SEMAPOLIS)
HDR defended: Adrien Bousseau, Depicting shape, materials and lighting: observation, formulation and implementation of artistic principles , University Nice Sophia Antipolis, defended September 2015
G. Drettakis was a member of the thesis committee for A. Djelouah (Inria Grenoble) in March, for S. Pujades (Inria Grenoble) in September, and external examiner for the Ph.D. of J. Imber (Surrey) in November.