Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Laurent Grisoni (Univ. Lille / Inria): An HCI view of sketch-based interaction. (12/11/2015).

  • Philippe Guillotel (Technicolor), Arnav Jhala (Univ. of California Santa Cruz), Mateu Sbert (University of Girona), Karan Singh (University of Toronto), participated to the Expressive Cinematography seminar (26/10/2015).

  • Adrien Bousseau (Inria Sofia Antipolis): Computer Drawing Tools for Assisting Learners, Hobbyists, and Professionals (01/10/2015).

  • Ludovic Hoyet (Inria Rennes), Perception of Biological Human Motion: Towards New Perception-Driven Virtual Character Simulations (10/09/2015).

  • Michiel van de Panne (University of British Columbia), Animation Potpourri: New Models for Animated Vector Graphics, Motion Optimization, and Data-driven Animation (03/07/2015).

  • Henri Gouraud, Histoire de l'ombrage de Gouraud (05/06/2015).

  • Jean-Michel Dischler (Univ. Strasbourg), Procedural texturing from Example (28/05/2015).

  • Paul Kry (MacGill University), Balancing Speed and Fidelity in Physics Based Animation and Control (23/04/2015).