Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Rémi Ronfard was co-chair of the second Eurographics workshop on « Intelligent Cinematography and Editing » (WICED), Lisbon, Protugal, May 2016 (with Marc Christie, Inria/MIMETIC and Quentin Galvane, Technicolor).

    See https://wiced.inria.fr/ .

  • Co-chair of Computational Model of Narrative (CMN 2016) conference, Crakow, Poland, july 2016, with Mark Finlayson (Florida International University), Antonio Lieto (University of Torino) and Ben Miller (Georgia State University).

    See http://narrative.csail.mit.edu/cmn16/ .

Member of the organizing committees
  • Damien Rohmer was member of the organization committee for the Journées Informatiques et Géométrie (JIG) in November in Paris.

  • Rémi Ronfard was member of the organization committee for the Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT), and International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D).

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committees
  • Stefanie Hahmann is the program co-chair of the next SPM 2916 conference in Berlin.

Member of the conference program committees
  • Marie-Paule Cani was in the International Program Committee for SMI 2015, Expressive 2015, MIG 2015, and is preparing for EUROGRAPHICS 2016.

  • Stefanie Hahmann served in the International Program Committee for GD/SPM’15 SIAM Conf. on Geometric and Physical Modeling, Salt Lake City, CGI’15 Computer Graphics International, Strasbourg and EUROGRAPHICS 2016.

  • Damien Rohmer was in the International Program Committee for EUROGRAPHICS Short paper, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs and Posters. He was also member of the jury of the best paper for AFIG-EGFR.

  • Damien Rohmer was reviewer for ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS.

  • Rémi Ronfard was reviewer for CVPR, CHI, and SIGGRAPH.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Stefanie Hahmann is associate Editor of the Journal Computers and Graphics (Elsevier) since 2015 and co-editor of a special edition[36] of the journal Computer-Aided Design (CAD) on Geometric Modeling.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Damien Rohmer was reviewer for ACM Transactions on Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, and REFIG.

Invited talks

  • In addition to holding the chair Informatics and Computational sciences at College de France, and giving 9 lectures there, Marie-Paule Cani gave the following invited talks :

  • Stefanie Hahmann gave an invited talk at Universität Linz, Autriche, June 2015

    • ENS Lyon (Avril 2015),

    • Seminar Jeudis de l’Imaginaire, Télécom Paris-Tech (Avril 2015),

    • Seminar of the ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg (Octobre 2015)

    • Seminar of the DI, ENS Paris, (October 2015)

    • Two invited conferences organized by the French Embassy in Tunisia, one open to the general public, and a specialized one for student and faculty members.

  • Rémi Ronfard gave the following invited talk

    • Variations sur La Ronde with Adéla Barbulescu, Gérard Bailly, Georges Gagneré. Biennale Arts-Sciences, EXPERIMENTA, Grenoble, October 2015.

    • Mettre en scène les mondes virtuels, Séminaire Création et digital dans le spectacle vivant, Relais Culture Europe, Festival International de Théâtre, Avignon, July 2015.

    • Mettre en scène les mondes virtuels, Journées scientifiques Inria, June 2015.

Leadership within the scientific community

Marie-Paule Cani was

  • At international level

    • Vice chair of the Eurographics association.

    • Chair of the steering commmittee of the Eurographics conference

    • Member of the awards committee of Eurographics

    • Member of the steering committees of the Expressive symposium and of the SMI conference

  • And in France

    • Member of the scientifique council of the institute INSII of CNRS

    • Member of the scientifique council of the ESIEE engineering school Member of the executive board of the GDR IGVR of CNRS

    • Elected member of the executive board of EG-France

Stefanie Hahmann was

  • Head of the french working group GT Modelisation Geometrique part of the GDR IGRV and GDR IM of CNRS.

  • Member of the executive board of the GDR IGVR of CNRS.

  • Member of the steering committee of annual international SPM conferences.

  • Elected member of the international Executive Committee of the SMA – Solid Modeling Association since 2013.

Rémi Ronfard is

  • Elected to the board of the French Chapter of Eurographics in 2015.

  • Elected to the board of the French association for Computer Graphics (AFIG) in 2015.

  • Part of the InriaRT open network of Inria researchers and teams working with IRCAM on Art/science projects, which also includes Arshia Cont (HYBRID), Laurent Grisoni (MINT), Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (FLOWERS) and Martin Hachet (POTIOC). The goal of the InriaRT network is to extend IRCAM's expertise in art & science beyond music, and to showcase Inria research work in art projects featured by IRCAM. A coordinated project for an interactive opera is currently being planned for production in 2017-2018.

Scientific expertise

  • Marie-Paule Cani was reviewer of an ERC project.

  • Stefanie Hahmann is member of the Advisory Board for the European Marie-Curie Training Network ARCADES, 2014-2018.

  • Rémi Ronfard is a scientific expert for the European Commision, and was a reviewer for the final review of EC funded project IMP-ART (December 2015).

Research administration

  • Marie-Paule Cani is at the head of the Imagine project-team.

  • Rémi Ronfard is

    • Director of the « Geometry and Image » department of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzman, UMR CNRS 5224 , Grenoble University.

    • Project leader at Inria for ANR funded project SPECTACLENLIGNES (2013-2015) : The project ended in December 2014 and the main results were presented publicly at Centre Pompidou, Paris in February 2015 (see http://spectacleenlignes.fr/ ).

    • Project leader at Inria for national « investing in the future » project ACTION 3DS (2011-2014) : The project ended in September 2015 and the final review took place in October 2015 See http://www.action3ds.com/fr/ .

    • Project leader at Inria for ANR-funded project CHROME (2012-2015) : The project ended in October 2015.

  • Damien Rohmer was elected as a member of the Conseil d'Administration of the Association Francaise d'Informatique Graphique (AFIG).