Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Marie-Paule Cani is responsible for two courses at Ensimag/Grenoble-INP: 3D Graphics (a course that attracts about 80 master 1 students per year) and IRL (Introduction à la recherche en laboratoire), a course enabling engineering students to work on a personal project in a reseach lab during one semester, to get an idea of what academic research is.
Stefanie Hahmann is co-responsible of the MMIS (Images and Applied Maths) ( ) department at University ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP. Stefanie Hahmann is responsible of 3 courses at Ensimag/Grenoble INP: Numerical Methods (240 students, 3rd year Bachelor level), Geometric Modeling (60 students, Master 1st year) and Surface Modeling (30 students, Master 2nd year).
Olivier Palombi is responsible of the French Campus numérique of anatomy.
Olivier Palombi is responsible and national leader of the project SIDES ( ). All the French medical schools (43) have planed to use the same e-learning framework (SIDES) to manage evaluations (examen) and to create a large shared database of questions.
François Faure was responsible of the GVR-(Graphics, Vision and Robotic) programm in the MOSIG Master.
Damien Rohmer is coordinator of the Math, Signal, Image program at the engineering school CPE Lyon in supervising the scientific and technical content of the program. He is also co-responsible of the Image, Modeling & Computing specialization program attracting 35 students per year. He gives, and is responsible, for of one Computer Science class (130 student, 3rd year Bachelor level), an introductory Computer Graphics class (110 students, Master 1st year), and 5 specialization classes on C++ programming, OpenGL programming, 3D modeling, animation and rendering (35 students, Master 1st and 2nd year). Damien Rohmer also gave an invited course in Collegium Da Vinci, Poznan University on Computer Graphics (15 M1 students in Computer Game Programm) and a formation on the Python langage to high school teachers starting the Informatique et Sciences du Numérique program.
Rémi Ronfard taught courses in Advanced 3D animation, M2R MOSIG, University of Grenoble (12 hours) on advanced concepts in 3D character animation; Game Engine Programming, M2R IMAGINA, University of Montpellier (36 hours); Computer Vision Analysis of Actors and Actions in the I2S Doctoral School of Montpellier (3h). Remi Ronfard also created a new introductory course in narratology for doctoral students in computer science: Computational modeling of narrative texts, movies and games, Grenoble University.
Note that MOSIG is joint master program between University Joseph Fourier (UJF) and Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) taught in English since it hosts a number of internal students. It belongs to the doctoral school MSTII.
Most of the members of our team are Professor or Assistant Professor in University where the common teaching load is about 200h per year. Rémi Ronfard who is only researcher usually perform some teaching in vacations.
PhD : Quentin Galvane, Automatic Cinematography and Editing in Virtual Environments, Grenoble Université, October 2015, Rémi Ronfard, Marc Christie (IRISA/Inria).
PhD : Adela Barbulescu, Directing virtual actors by interaction and mutual imitation, Grenoble Université, November 2015, Rémi Ronfard, Gérard Bailly (Gipsa-Lab).
PhD : Rémi Brouet, Multi-touch gesture interactions and deformable geometry for 3D edition on touch screen, Grenoble Université, March 2015, Marie-Paule Cani, Renaud Blanch (LIG).
PhD : Sergi Pujades Rocamora, Camera models and algorithms for creating stereoscopic 3-D video, Grenoble Université, March 2015, Rémi Ronfard, Frédéric Devernay (PRIMA).
PhD : Martin Guay, Sketching 3D Character Animation, Grenoble University, June 2015, Marie-Paule Cani, Rémi Ronfard.
PhD : Kevin Jordao, Crowd Sculpting, Rennes University, December 2015, Marie-Paule Cani, Julien Pettré (Inria Rennes).
PhD : Léo Allemand-Giorgis, Grenoble University,Reconstruction de surfaces à partir de complexes de Morse-Smale, S. Hahmann, GP. Bonneau
PhD : Richard Malgat, Computational modeling of internal mechanical properties of plant cells, Grenoble University, September 2015, Francois Faure, Arezki Boudaoud (RDP).
PhD in progress : Armelle Bauer, the Living Book of Anatomy, UJF, Francois Faure, Olivier Palombi.
PhD in progress : Guillaume Cordonnier, Design of Mountains, Grenoble University, Marie-Paule Cani, Eric Galin (LIRIS).
PhD in progress : Pablo Coves, From Point Cloud Data to Functional CAD Model, INP Grenoble, Jean-Claude Léon, Damien Rohmer, Raphaëlle Chaine (LIRIS).
PhD in progress : Even Entem, Animal sketching, INP Grenoble, Marie-Paule Cani,
PhD in progress : Geoffrey Guingo, Animated Textures, INP Grenoble, Marie-Paule Cani, Jean-Michel Dischler (ICUBE).
PhD in progress : Pierre-Luc Manteaux, Frame Based Simulation, Grenoble University, Francois Faure, Marie-Paule Cani.
PhD in progress : Aarohi Singh Johal, CAD construction graph generation from B-Rep model, Grenoble University and EDF, Jean-Claude Léon, Raphel Marc (EDF).
PhD in progress : Camille Schreck, Modélisation et déformation de formes actives, Grenoble University, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer.
PhD in progress : Robin Roussel, Function-preserving editing, Grenoble University, Marie-Paule Cani, Jean-Claude Léon, Niloy Mitra.
PhD in progress : Tibor Stanko, Modélisation de surfaces lisses maillées à partir de capteurs inertiels, Grenoble University and CEA, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau (LJK/Inria-Morpheo), collaboration with Nathalie Seguin (CEA-Leti).
PhD in progress : Ulysse Vimont, Complex scene sculpture, Grenoble University, Marie-Paule Cani, Damien Rohmer.