Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR P2N Nanorobust

Participants : Le Cui, Eric Marchand.

no. UR1 11FA310-06D, duration: 48 months.

This project started in November 2011 and will end in March 2016. It is composed of a consortium managed by Femto-ST in Besançon with LPN and Isir in Paris, Thalès and Lagadic group through the “Université de Rennes 1”. Nanorobust deals with the development of micro- and nano-manipulation within SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). We provided visual servoing techniques for positioning and manipulation tasks with a micrometer precision.

ANR Contint Visioland

Participants : Noël Mériaux, Patrick Rives, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 8304, duration: 48 months.

This project started in November 2013. It is composed of a consortium managed by Onera in Toulouse with Airbus, Spikenet Technology, IRCCyN, and Lagadic. Its aim is to develop vision-based localization and navigation techniques for autonomous landing on a runway (see Section  7.1.4 ).

ANR Platinum

Participants : Patrick Rives, Vincent Drevelle.

duration: 42 months.

This project started in November 2015. It is composed of a consortium managed by Litis in Rouen with IGN Matis (Paris), Le2i (Le Creusot) and Lagadic group through Inria Sophia Antipolis. It aims at proposing novel solutions to robust long-term mapping of urban environments.

ANR SenseFly

Participants : Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Riccardo Spica, Thomas Bellavoir, Muhammad Usman.

no Irisa CNRS 50476, duration: 36 months.

The ANR “Jeune Chercheur” project SenseFly started in August 2015. Its goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in multi-UAV in the design and implementation of fully decentralized and sensor-based group behaviors by only resorting to onboard sensing (mainly cameras and IMU) and local communication (e.g., bluetooth communication, wireless networks). Topics such as individual flight control, formation control robust against sensor limitations (e.g., limited field of view, occlusions), distributed estimation of relative positions/bearings from local sensing, maintenance of architectural properties of a multi-UAV formation will be touched by the project. Part of the platforms described in Section  6.12 has been purchased thanks to this grant.

PEA Decsa

Participants : Aurélien Yol, François Chaumette, Eric Marchand.

no Inria Rennes 6630, duration: 36 months.

This project started in November 2011 and ended in November 2015. It was composed of a consortium managed by Astrium/Airbus with the Novadem, Sirehna, Spot Image and Magellium companies, and with the Inria Lagadic and Steep groups (Peter Sturm). It was devoted to the development of navigation and perception algorithms for small drones in urban environment.

Oseo Romeo 2

Participants : Nicolas Cazy, Suman Raj Bista, Fabien Spindler, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 7114, duration: 48 months.

This project started in November 2012. It is composed of a large consortium managed by Aldebaran Robotics. It aims at developing advanced control and perception functionalities to a humanoid robot. It supports in part Suman Raj Bista's Ph.D. about visual navigation (see Section  7.3.1 ), as well as Nicolas Cazy's Ph.D. about model-based predictive control for visual servoing (see Section  7.2.3 ).

Equipex Robotex

Participants : Fabien Spindler, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 6388, duration: 10 years.

Lagadic is one of the 15 French partners involved in the Equipex Robotex network. It is devoted to get significative equipments in the main robotics labs in France. In the scope of this project, we have got the humanoid robot Romeo (see Section  6.11 ).