Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Doctor
Participants : Thibault Cholez [contact] , Thomas Silverston [contact] , Xavier Marchal, Cédric Enclos, Elian Aubry, Daishi Kondo, Olivier Festor.
The DOCTOR project is an applied research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), grant <ANR-14-CE28-000>, and supported by the French Systematic cluster. The project started on December 2014 for three years. It involves five partners specialized in network monitoring and security: Orange Labs (lead), Thales, Montimage, Université de technologie de Troyes and LORIA/CNRS. The DOCTOR project advocates the use of virtualized network equipment (Network Functions Virtualization), to enable the co-existence of new Information-Centric Networking stacks (e.g.: NDN) with IP, and the progressive migration of traffic from one stack to the other while guaranteeing the good security and manageability of the network. Therefore in DOCTOR, the main goals of the project are: (1) the efficient deployment of emerging networks functions or protocols in a virtualized networking environment; (2) the monitoring and security of virtually deployed networking architectures.
This year, we mainly worked on the WP1 which goal is to define the global architecture of DOCTOR and select the most relevant technologies solutions [66] , [27] . We focused on performance of different virtualization solutions. We also contributed to WP4, dedicated to the testbed infrastructure [71] . We also provided a routing scheme for NDN based on a softwarization approach (Software-Defined Networking, SDN) [22] , [21] .
Participants : Kévin Roussel, Ye-Qiong Song [contact] .
LAR (Living Assistant Robot) is a PIA (Projet investissement d'avenir) national project getting together Inria (MAIA and MADYNES projects), Crédit Agricole (lead), Diatelic and Robotsoft. The aim is to develop an ambient assisted living system for elderly including both sensors and assistant robots. The task of Madynes team is the development of a WSN-based system integrating both sensors of the environment and sensors and actuators embedded on a mobile robot. The research issues include the QoS, energy and mobility management. This year we have intensively tested the S-CoSenS MAC protocol under RIOT OS by using ARM Cortex-M3 motes of IoT-LAB (Grenoble) and especially contributed to the improvement of the robustness (see section 7.7.1 ). Another achievement is the connection of our MPIGate-based sensor data collect system to the application server, by the mean of properly defined JSON message formats.
Participants : Jonathan Arnault, Giulia de Santis, Pierre-Olivier Brissaud, Jérôme François [contact] , Abdelkader Lahmadi, Isabelle Chrisment.
The HUMA project (L’HUmain au cœur de l’analyse de données MAssives pour la sécurité) is funded under the national FUI Framework (Fonds Unique Interministerial) jointly by the BPI (Banque Publique d'Investissement) and the Région Lorraine. It has been approved by two competitive clusters: Systematic and Imaginove. The consortium is composed of three academic (ICube, Citi, Inria) and five industrial (Airbus Defence and Space, Intrinsec, Oberthur, Wallix, Sydo) partners. The leader is Intrinsec.
This project started in September 2015 and targets the analysis of Advanced Persistent Threat. APT are long and complex attacks which thus cannot be captured with standard techniques focused on short time windows and few data sources. Indeed, APTs may be several months long and involve multiple steps with different types of attacks and approaches. The project will address such an issue by leveraging data analytics and visualization techniques to guide human experts, which are the only one able to analyze APT today, rather than targeting a fully automated approach. Academic partners will be mainly focused on defining those techniques while industrial partners will build an experimental platform to design a testing platform and data collectors.
Inria-Orange Joint Lab
Participants : Jérôme François [contact] , Rémi Badonnel, Olivier Festor, Maxime Compastié.
The challenges addressed by the Inria-Orange joint lab relate to the virtualization of communication networks, the convergence between cloud computing and communication networks, and the underlying software-defined infrastructures. This lab aims at specifying and developing a GlobalOS (Global Operating System) approach as a platform or a software infrastructure for all the network and computing resources required by the Orange network operator. Our work, started in November 2015, concerns in particular monitoring methods for software-defined infrastructures, and management strategies for supporting software-defined security in multi-tenant cloud environments.
Technological Development Action (ADT)
ADT Métroscope
This ADT is linked to the consortium Metroscope , whose goal is to understand the behavior of the Internet and its uses within a mobile environment. Through this ADT, funded by Inria, an engineer (Mohammad-Irfan Khan) was hired for 2 years (2013-2015). He is participating in the design and deployment of a distributed platform. This platform is composed of a services providing measurement tools that collect a set of data and interact with probes located at various points of the network.
The goal of this ADT is to provide an novel security solution for Android platforms where the users will be able to evaluate the security level of their devices. The solution relies on the analysis and collection of logs and network activities of running Android applications to detect malicious activities and also the detection of vulnerable configurations of the device using an OVAL-based approach. Through this ADT, funded by Inria an engineer (Eric Finickel) was hired for 2 years (2013-2015). The work was focused on the development of Android devices embedded probes to export logs and network activities, and also the design and setup of collector and analysis applications using a Hadoop based framework. The resulting platform from this ADT is currently deployed in the High Security Lab and it will be extended during the year 2016.
The goal of this ADT is to provide assistance in developing the Aetournos platform. Through this ADT, funded by Inria, Ceilidh Hoffmann stayed until february 2015 and then Raphaël Cherfan was hired for the rest of the year (2015). They both have been helping maintaining the Aetournos platform, coordinating students work on the platform and tutoring the Aetournos team for the 2014 and 2016 Outback Joe Search and Rescue / Medical Express Challenge.
This ADT started on 2014 and will end on 2016. The Madynes project is a major partner funded at the level of 120k€. ADT LAPLACE builds upon the foundations of the Grid'5000 testbed to reinforce and extend it towards new use cases and scientific challenges. Several directions are being explored: networks and Software Defined Networking, Big Data, HPC, and production computation needs. Already developed prototypes are also being consolidated, and the necessary improvements to user management and tracking are also being performed.
This ADT started on 2013 and will end on 2016. The Madynes project is the only partner funded at the level of 120k€.ADT COSETTE, for COherent SET of Tools for Experimentation aims at developing or improving a tool suite for experimentation at large scale on testbeds such as Grid'5000. Specifically, we will work on (1) the development of Ruby-CUTE, a library gathering features useful when performing such experiments; (2) the porting of Kadeploy, Distem and XPFlow on top of Ruby-CUTE; (3) the release of XPFlow, developed in the context of Tomasz Buchert's PhD; (4) the improvement of the Distem emulator to address new scientific challenges in Cloud and HPC. E. Jeanvoine (SED) is delegated in the Madynes team for the duration of this project.
RIOT ADT is a multi-site project with Infine and Madynes teams, which started in December 2015 for a duration of two years. The high-level objective is to (1) contribute open source code, upstream, to the RIOT code base, (2) coordinate RIOT development within Inria, with other engineers and researchers using/developing RIOT, (3) coordinate RIOT development outside Inria, help maintain the RIOT community at large (see and ) which aims to become the equivalent of Linux for IoT devices that cannot run Linux because of resource constraints.
Specific objectives of Madynes team include (a) implementation, on RIOT, of new MAC protocols issuing from the latest research, as well as the design of the MAC layer interfaces both with the upper network layer and directly with applications (API), (b) RIOT drivers development to allow efficiently interfacing with both radio transceivers and sensors (via UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO, …), according to the chosen hardware platforms (e.g., Zolertia Z1, AVR, ARM Cortex), (c) implementation of the previous solutions in a smart home environment, (d) development of an MCU emulator, (e) integration of the developed MCU emulator into a network simulation tool (e.g. Cooja).
Other Initiative
Participants : Ciarletta Laurent, Gurriet Thomas, Xu Yang, Amza Catalin, Guenard Adrien, Nataf Emmanuel [contact] .
Alerion is an "e-falconry" startup created by a member of Madynes in June 2015. Its goal is to provide novel solutions and services in the field of UxV (Unmanned Air, Ground, Surface ... Vehicles) and in moving and interacting objects of the "Internet of Things". The concept is to enhance such existing systems or design new ones by combining well-designed (i.e with regards to efficiency, safety, ease of use) components and containers seen as Cyber Physical bricks. This has also given some publications [53] , [52] and [30] . The Alerion project is also actively supporting the international UAV Challenge team that is participating to the "Medical Express", the new "Outback Joe Challenge".