Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: Management of the Future Internet

  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: November 2012 - October 2016

  • Coordinator: University Twente

  • Partners: Iminds Vzw (Belgium), Jacobs University Bremen Ggmbh (Germany), University College London (United Kingdom), Université de Lorraine (France), Universitaet Der Bundeswehr Muenchen (Germany), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain), Universiteit Twente (Netherlands), Universitaet Zuerich (Switzerland)

  • Inria contact: Jérôme François

  • The goals of FLAMINGO are (a) to strongly integrate the research of leading European research groups in the area of network and service management, (b) to strengthen the European and worldwide research in this area, and (c) to bridge the gap between scientific research and industrial application.

    In 2015, our activities of Flamingo have been focused on automated configuration using service function chaining for mobile device (section 7.2.3 ), sensor network monitoring to counter-fight attacks in cooperation with the Jacobs University Bremen (§ 7.1.4 ), leading the standardization activities of the project (WP leader), enhancing our flow-based monitoring specification to be standardized at the IETF in a close future (§ 6.3 ) and Online training material on network management (§ 10.2.1 ).