Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
At the international scale, the MIMESIS team collaborates with:
CIMIT, Boston: we are restarting our interactions on interventional radiology simulation, in particular the design and development of a hardware interface for tracking catheters and guidewires. A joint proposal to the DoD has been submitted to this end.
Harvard Biorobotics lab, Cambridge: this group focuses on the role of sensing and mechanical design in motor control, in both robots and humans. This work draws upon diverse disciplines, including biomechanics, systems analysis, and physiology. We started a collaboration on inverse problems for identifying optimal areas of cardiac ablation using our work on electro-mechanical modeling of the heart. Other areas of collaboration are planned, such as cardiac valve interactions with blood flow.
Humanoid and Intelligence Systems Lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: we started a collaboration with Dr Stefanie Speidel and Dr. Stefan Suwelack on the topics of real-time soft tissue modeling and laparoscopic augmented reality.
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic: we have an extensive collaboration with Igor Peterlik at the ICS, leading to 7 publications over that past 18 months. This collaboration covers the fields of non-rigid registration, augmented reality and haptics.
Interactive Graphics and Simulation, Innsbruck: the IGS group in Innsbruck is a continuation of a group led at ETH by Matthias Harders. Its scientific focus is on physically-based simulation, computer haptics, and to a limited extent, augmented reality. The main application area is the medical domain.
Surgical Planning Lab, Boston: this research laboratory at Brigham and Women's Hospital has a large expertise in the analysis of diagnostic data using computational image analysis. We know this group very well, in particular in the field of Deep Brain Stimulation and through their work on Open Source solutions for computer aided surgery. We are regularly interacting with them on the development of a version of SOFA dedicated to the operating room.
SINTEF, Norway: we are currently collaborating with SINTEF in the context of the european project RASimAs, and also on other aspects, such as the creation of anatomically correct and accurate datasets from patient-specific data. We are also discussing future collaborations in the context of hepatic surgery simulation and augmented reality (we have jointly written a H2020 proposal on this topic).
Team Legato, University of Luxembourg: since last year we have active discussions with Prof. Stéphane Bordas on real-time soft tissue cutting simulation. This has already led to a journal article in Media [33] and a co-supervision of a post-doctoral fellow.