Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Edmond Boyer was general chair for 3DV 2015.

Member of the organizing committees
  • Franck Hétroy-Wheeler was publication chair for 3DV 2015.

  • Jean-Sébastien Franco was tutorial chair for 3DV 2015.

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committees
  • Edmond Boyer was area chair for BMVC 2015.

  • Jean-Sébastien Franco was area chair for 3DV 2015.

Member of the conference program committees
  • Stefanie Wuhrer was on the program committee for: Eurographics Short Papers 2015, Eurographics Workshop 3DOR 2015, SOCG Multimedia Exposition 2015.

  • Lionel Reveret was on the program committee for: Symposium on Computer Animation 2015.

  • Edmond Boyer has reviewed for: CVPR 2015, ICCV 2015, CVMP 2015, SIGGRAPH 2015, ORASIS 2015.

  • Jean-Sébastien Franco has reviewed for: CVPR 2015, ICCV 2015.

  • Franck Hétroy-Wheeler has reviewed for: 3DV 2015.

  • Lionel Reveret has reviewed for: SIGGRAPH 2015, SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, Symposium on Computer Animation 2015, Motion in Game 2015, EUROGRAPHICS 2016.

  • Stefanie Wuhrer has reviewed for: ICCV 2015, SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.

  • Julien Pansiot has reviewed for: MobiHealth 2015, ICCV 2015.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Edmond Boyer is associate editor of IJCV.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Edmond Boyer has reviewed for: IJCV, IEEE Transactions on PAMI.

  • Lionel Reveret has reviewed for: TOG, Computer and Graphics.

  • Stefanie Wuhrer has reviewed for: Graphical Models, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, The Visual Computer.

  • Julien Pansiot has reviewed for: Journal of 3D Research.

Scientific expertise

  • Edmond Boyer was on the evaluation committees of: European Research Council (evaluation of consolidator ERC proposals), HCERES (evaluation of the LP2N lab at Bordeaux) and ANR (French academic projects).

  • Edmond Boyer was on the recruitment committees for CR2 positions at the Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.