Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Platform Kinovis

Kinovis (http://kinovis.inrialpes.fr/ ) is a multi-camera acquisition project that was was selected within the call for proposals ”Equipements d’Excellence” of the program “Investissement d’Avenir″ funded by the French government. The project involves 2 institutes: the Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, the université Joseph Fourier and 4 laboratories: the LJK (laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann - applied mathematics), the LIG (laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble - Computer Science), the Gipsa lab (Signal, Speech and Image processing) and the LADAF (Grenoble Hospitals - Anatomy). The Kinovis environment is composed of 2 complementary platforms. A first platform located at Inria Grenoble with a 10mx10m acquisition surface is equipped with 68 color cameras and 20 IR motion capture (mocap) cameras. It is the evolution of the Grimage platform towards the production of better models of more complex dynamic scenes. A second platform located at Grenoble Hospitals, within the LADAF anatomy laboratory, is equipped with 10 color and 2 X-ray cameras to enable combined analysis of internal and external shape structures, typically skeleton and bodies of animals. Installation works of both platforms started in 2013 and are now finished. Both platforms have already demonstrated their potential through a range of projects lead by the team and externally. Members of Morpheo are highly involved in this project. Edmond Boyer is coordinating this project and Lionel Reveret is in charge of the LADAF platform. Thomas Pasquier, Mickaël Heudre and Julien Pansiot are managing the technical resources of both platforms.

Figure 1. Kinovis platforms: on the left the Inria platform; on the right Grenoble Hospital platform.
IMG/kinovis1.png IMG/kinovis2.png

Multicamera platform for video analysis of mice behavior

This project is a follow-up of the experimental set-up developed for a CNES project with Mathieu Beraneck from the CESeM laboratory (centre for the study of sensorimotor control, CNRS UMR 8194) at the Paris-Descartes University. The goal of this project was to analyze the 3D body postures of mice with various vestibular deficiencies in low gravity condition (3D posturography) during a parabolic flight campaign. The set-up has been now adapted for new experiments on motor-control disorders for other mice models. This experimental platform is currently under development for a broader deployment for high throughput phenotyping with the technology transfer project ETHOMICE. This project involves a close relationship with the CESeM laboratory and the European Mouse Clinical Institute in Strasbourg (Institut Clinique de la Souris, ICS).

Figure 2. Ethomice: Experimental platform for video analysis of mice behavior.