New Results
Video based Animation Synthesis
with the Essential Graph
We propose a method to generate animations using video-based mesh
sequences of elementary movements of a shape. New motions that
satisfy high-level user-specified constraints are built by
recombining and interpolating the frames in the observed mesh
sequences. The interest of video based meshes is to provide real
full shape information and to enable therefore realistic shape
animations. A resulting issue lies, however, in the difficulty to
combine and interpolate human poses without a parametric pose model,
as with skeleton based animations. To address this issue, our method
brings two innovations that contribute at different levels: Locally
between two motion sequences, we introduce a new approach to
generate realistic transitions using dynamic time warping; More
globally, over a set of motion sequences, we propose the essential
graph as an efficient structure to encode the most realistic
transitions between all pairs of input shape poses. Graph search in
the essential graph allows then to generate realistic motions that
are optimal with respect to various user-defined constraints. We
present both quantitative and qualitative results on various 3D
video datasets. They show that our approach compares favourably with
previous strategies in this field that use the motion graph. This
work was published at the 3DV 2015
conference [10] .
7. Example of 4D animation generated using by combining recorded 4D sequences [10] .