Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


I. Manolescu and X. Tannier (LIMSI) have obtained a Google Computational Research Journalism Award on “Event Thread Extraction for Viewpoint Analysis”. The team has also secured an ANR contract on content management techniques applied to computational fact-checking (coordonated by I. Manolescu, to start in 2016) and an ADT engineer has joined the team to work on the same topic.

The best publications of the year appeared in SIGMOD citecamachorodriguez:hal-01178490, PODS [16] , PVLDB [29] , [8] , [26] , ICDE [15] , [14] , and IEEE TKDE [3] . Other highly visible publications appeared in CIDR [9] and CIKM [28] , [7] .

Inria researcher recruited

M. Thomazo has joined the team as a junior researcher (Inria CR2).