Section: New Results
Management of distributed data
Participants : Rudyar Cortes, Mesaac Makpangou, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet [correspondent] , Pierre Sens.
Long term durability and storage load distribution
In 2014, we had proposed SPLAD (for Scattering and PLAcing Data replicas to enhance long-term durability), a model that allows us to vary the data scattering degree by tuning a selection range width. We have enhanced our model [57] and we have focused on the study of the policy used while choosing a storing node within the selection range. Some policies may lead to heavily unbalanced storage load distribution which can be harmful for the system. Simple policies to balance the load (e.g. storing new blocks on least loaded nodes) may induce network congestion and thus data losses. We have shown that the “power of two choices” policy (choosing the least loaded node among two random ones) brings good results both in terms of storage load distribution and fault tolerance.
Management of dynamic big data
Managing and processing Dynamic Big Data, where multiple sources produce new data continuously, is very complex. Static cluster- or grid-based solutions are prone to induce bottleneck problems, and are therefore ill-suited in this context. Our objective in this domain is to design and implement a Reliable Large Scale Distributed Framework for the Management and Processing of Dynamic Big Data. In 2015, we focused on Spatio-temporal range queries over Big Location Data aim to extract and analyze relevant data items generated around a given location and time. They require concurrent processing of massive and dynamic data flows. We proposed a scalable architecture for continuous spatio-temporal range queries built by coalescing multiple computing nodes on top of a Distributed Hash Table. The key component of our architecture is a distributed spatio-temporal indexing structure which exhibits low insertion and low index maintenance costs. We assessed our solution with a public data set released by Yahoo! which comprises millions of geotagged multimedia files [43] .