Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Fernando M. Pereira was invited in Jan. 2015 to work with Maroua Maalej and Laure Gonnord on static analyses for pointers.
Oliver Sinnen was invited for two months (Sept./Oct. 2015) to work with Loris Marchal, Bertrand Simon and Frédéric Vivien on scheduling malleable task trees.
Samuel McCauley visited the team for four months (Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016) to work with Loris Marchal, Bertrand Simon and Frédéric Vivien on the minimization of I/Os during the out-of-core execution of task trees.
Anne Benoit and Yves Robert advised the M2 internship of Loic Pottier on resilient application co-scheduling with processor redistribution.
Christophe Alias advised the M2 internship of Adilla Susungi on the compilation of pipelined parallelism on multi-GPU.
Guillaume Aupy and Loris Marchal advised the L3 internship of Clément Brasseur on memory minimization for the parallel processing of task trees.
Julien Herrmann and Yves Robert advised the L3 internship of Nicolas Vidal on the evaluation of the makespan of stochastic computational workflows.
Visits to International Teams
Research stays abroad
Yves Robert has been appointed as a visiting scientist by the ICL laboratory (headed by Jack Dongarra) at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. He collaborates with several ICL researchers on high-performance linear algebra and resilience methods at scale.
Bertrand Simon spent six months (Feb.-Jul. 2015) at Stony Brooks University (USA) to work with Michael Bender.