ROMA - 2015
New Software and Platforms
New Results
New Software and Platforms
New Results

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Fernando M. Pereira was invited in Jan. 2015 to work with Maroua Maalej and Laure Gonnord on static analyses for pointers.

  • Oliver Sinnen was invited for two months (Sept./Oct. 2015) to work with Loris Marchal, Bertrand Simon and Frédéric Vivien on scheduling malleable task trees.

  • Samuel McCauley visited the team for four months (Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016) to work with Loris Marchal, Bertrand Simon and Frédéric Vivien on the minimization of I/Os during the out-of-core execution of task trees.

  • Anne Benoit and Yves Robert advised the M2 internship of Loic Pottier on resilient application co-scheduling with processor redistribution.

  • Christophe Alias advised the M2 internship of Adilla Susungi on the compilation of pipelined parallelism on multi-GPU.

  • Guillaume Aupy and Loris Marchal advised the L3 internship of Clément Brasseur on memory minimization for the parallel processing of task trees.

  • Julien Herrmann and Yves Robert advised the L3 internship of Nicolas Vidal on the evaluation of the makespan of stochastic computational workflows.

Visits to International Teams

Research stays abroad
  • Yves Robert has been appointed as a visiting scientist by the ICL laboratory (headed by Jack Dongarra) at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. He collaborates with several ICL researchers on high-performance linear algebra and resilience methods at scale.

  • Bertrand Simon spent six months (Feb.-Jul. 2015) at Stony Brooks University (USA) to work with Michael Bender.