Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Laure Gonnord is co-chair of the “Compilation French community”, with Florian Brandner (ENSTA) and Fabrice Rastello (Inria Corse).
Scientific events selection
Steering committees
Yves Robert is a member of the steering committee of HCW, Heteropar and IPDPS. He is the chair of the steering committee of Euro-EduPar.
Chair of conference program committees
Anne Benoit was program vice-chair for the Applications and Algorithms track of SBAC-PAD'2015, program vice-chair for the Algorithms track of HiPC'2015, and workshops co-chair of ICPP'2015.
Bora Uçar was IPDPS 2015 Workshops vice-chair, and was a co-chair of PCO2015 (a workshop of IPDPS).
Member of the conference program committees
Christophe Alias was a member of the program committee of IMPACT'16.
Anne Benoit was a member of the program committee of SC, CCGrid, HCW, Ena-HPC, and FEEDBACK.
Jean-Yves L'Excellent was a member of the program committee of Compas.
Loris Marchal was a member of the program committee of IPDPS. and HiPeR.
Yves Robert was a member of the program committee of FTXS, ICCS, IPDPS, and SC.
Bora Uçar was in the PC of IPDPS, HiPC, PPAM, ICCS, HPC4BD, and IEEE CSE.
Frédéric Vivien was a member of the program committee of IPDPS, SC, HiPC, PDP, ComPAS, EduHPC, EduPar, ROADEF, and WAPCO.
Christophe Alias reviewed papers for DATE'15.
Laure Gonnord reviewed papers for VMCAI'15, CGO'15.
Bora Uçar reviewed papers for SC15 and MFCS 2015.
Jean-Yves L'Excellent reviewed papers for Compas'15 and Europar 2015.
Member of the editorial boards
Anne Benoit is Associate Editor of TPDS (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems) since October 2015, and also of JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing) and SUSCOM (Elsevier Journal of Sustainable Computing).
Yves Robert is Associate Editor of JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing), IJHPCA (Sage International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications), and JOCS (Elsevier Journal of Computational Science).
Anne Benoit is Associate Editor of Parallel Computing (Elsevier) and of JPDC (Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing).
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Anne Benoit reviewed papers for TOPC and TCS.
Christophe Alias reviewed papers for PARCO and IEEE TVLSI.
Laure Gonnord reviewed papers for PARCO.
Bora Uçar reviewed papers for SIAM SISC, ACM ToPC, IEEE TPDS, JPDC, and NLAA.
Loris Marchal reviewed papers for IEEE TPDS, SIAM TOPC, JPDC and ADHOC.
Jean-Yves L'Excellent reviewed a paper for ACM TOMS.
Frédéric Vivien reviewed papers for Journal of Grid Computing, Cluster Computing, and the Journal of Supercomputing.
Invited talks
In June 2015, Laure Gonnord was invited at Google, Mountain View and SRI, to give talks about her research about static analyses for compilers.
Leadership within the scientific community
Laure Gonnord, together with Fabrice Rastello (CORSE) and Florian Brandner (Telecom Paris Tech) animate since 2010 the French Compilation Community ( ).
Yves Robert participated to the following selection committees:
IEEE Fellows: vice-president and attended the physical selection meeting in Los Alamitos in May 2015.
IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing: member
Scientific expertise
In 2015, Maroua Maalej has produced 7 Research Tax Credit documents for Accenture group France as a scientific consultant. The goal is to expertise research done by Accenture project-teams and suggest further ideas by evaluating the state of the art.
Research administration
Anne Benoit is a member of the executive committee of the Labex MI-LYON.
Bora Uçar served as the Secretary of the SIAM activity group on Supercomputing, (1 January 2014–12 December 2015).
Loris Marchal is a member of the scientific council of the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques” (ENSMM, Besançon).
Jean-Yves L'Excellent evaluated a CIFRE PhD proposal for ANRT. He is a member of the direction board of the LIP laboratory (since November 2015).
Frédéric Vivien is a member of the scientific council of the École normale supérieure de Lyon and of the academic council of the University of Lyon.