Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Spring: programmation R pour statistiques et sociologie quantitative, 28h eqTD, L1, université Lille 3, France

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Fall: préparation au C2i niveau 1, 24h eqTD, L1-3, université Lille 3, France

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Fall: travail collaboratif et à distance dans un monde numérique, 13h eqTD, L1-3 (enseignement à distance), université Lille 3, France

  • Master: M. Valko, 2014/2015 Spring: Graphs in Machine Learning, 27h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan

  • Master: M. Valko, 2015/2016 Fall: Graphs in Machine Learning, 27h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan

  • Master : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan, France

  • Master : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale Lille, France

  • Summer school : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 8h eqTD, Toulouse, France

  • Master: J. Mary, 2015/2016 Fall: Machine learning with R, 20h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale de Lille.

  • E-learning

    • SPOC: R. Gaudel, Marc Tommasi and Alain Preux, culture numérique S3, 8 semaines, Moodle, université Lille 3, licence (L1), formation initiale, tous les étudiants (> 3 000).

  • Ph. Preux:

    • modeling and simulation of the dynamics of behavior, Master 1 in Psychology & master in Cognitive Science, Université de Lille 3

    • Formal neural networks, Master 1 in Cognitive Science, Université de Lille 3

    • Supervised Learning, Licence 3 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

    • Advanced Data Mining, master 2 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

    • Unsupervised learning, master 1 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

  • C. Dimitrakakis:

    • Web Fundamentals, Licence MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

    • Supervised Learning, Master MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

  • B. Piot:

    • Networks, Master SID, Université de Lille 3

    • Databases, Licence MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

    • Excel, Licence MIASHS, Université de Lille 3

    • Databases, Master SIAD, Université de Lille 1

    • Networks, Master SIAD, Université de Lille 1

    • UML, Université de Lille 1

  • O. Pietquin:

    • Machine learning, Master Informatique, Université Lille 1

    • Machine learning and decision making, Master Informatique, Université Lille 1

    • Bayesian signal processing, Engineering degree, Université de Mons (Belgique)


Supervision of PhD:

  • HDR: Jérémie Mary, Université de Lille 3, defended Nov 2015

  • PhD: Amir Sani, Université de Lille 1, defended May 2015, Munos, Lazaric

  • PhD: Marta Soare, Université de Lille 1, defended Dec 2015, Munos, Lazaric

  • PhD in progress: Marc Abeille, since Sept. 2014, Munos, Lazaric

  • PhD in progress: Merwan Barlier, since oct. 2014, Pietquin

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Bérard, since Oct. 2014, Pietquin

  • PhD in progress: Daniele Calandriello, since Oct. 2014, Preux, Lazaric, Valko

  • PnD in progress: Nicolas Carrara, since Oct. 2015, Pietquin

  • PhD in progress: Ronan Fruit, since Dec. 2015, Ryabko, Lazaric

  • PhD in progress: Pratik Gajane, since oct. 2014, Preux

  • PhD in progress: Hadrien Glaude, since Feb. 2014, Pietquin

  • PhD in progress: Jean-Bastien Grill, since Oct. 2014, Munos, Valko

  • PhD in progress: Frédéric Guillou, since Oct. 2013, Preux, Mary, Gaudel

  • PhD in progress: Tomáš Kocák, since Oct. 2013, Munos, Valko

  • PhD in progress: Vincenzo Musco, since Nov. 2013, Preux, Monperrus

  • PhD in progress: Julien Perolat, since Oct. 2014, Pietquin

  • PhD in progress: Florian Strub, since Jan. 2016, Pietquin, Mary

  • PhD in progress: Romain Warlop, since Sep. 2015, Preux, Mary, Lazaric

Management of diplomas:

  • Ph. Preux is the head of the master in computer science “machine learning and data science”, Université de Lille 3.

  • J. Mary is the head of the “Web analyst” track in master MIASHS, Université de Lille 3.

  • head of the MoCAD master at Université Lille 1.


Ph. Preux has been member of the PhD juries:

  • Manel Tagorti, Université de Lorraine,

  • Yacine Nair Benrekia, Université de Nantes,

  • El Mehdi Rochd, Université de Marseille.

Ph. Preux has been member of the HdR juries:

  • Jérémie Mary, Université de Lille 3.

A. Lazaric has been member of the PhD juries:

  • Rodrigue Talla Kuate, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

  • Kamyar Azzizade (PhD qualification), University of California Irvine, USA.

O. Pietquin has been member of the PhD juries:

  • Nicolas Galichet, Université Paris-Saclay,

  • Alaedine Mihoub, Université Grenoble-Alpes,

  • Emmanuel Ferreira, Université d'Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse.