Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • organization of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), in Lille, from Jul 6th to Jul 11th, 2015.

    ICML is the leading international conference in Machine Learning. This is the first time of its history that France hosts ICML. This edition has been the largest of all the times, with 1690 registrants (the previous record was 1400 in Beijing, in 2014).

  • as an outcome of a contract with this start-up, Nuukik has been awarded “best data analysis” during the “connected commerce night” - http://www.retail-network.fr ", 1500 participants, 80 projects in competition.


  • V. Gabillon and B. Piot both received an AFIA award for their respective PhD, defended in 2014. They were both ranked second in this competition.

  • Olivier Pietquin, Fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France”.

  • A. Lazaric and M. Valko received best reviewer awards at ICML 2015.