Section: New Results
Integration of Polychrony with QGen
Participants : Christophe Junke, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin.
The FUI project P gave birth to the QGen qualifiable model compiler, developed by Adacore. The tool accepts a discrete subset of Simulink expressed in a language called P and produces C or Ada code. It is currently not known if an architectural description language is going to be integrated in QGen, as originally planned.
We developed a transformation tool named P2S for expressing P system models in Signal, using the EMF (Eclipse Modelling Framework) technology. P2S tool is written in Clojure, a language inspired by Lisp running on the Java Virtual Machine, which helped us define a terse and expressive API for manipulating Signal models while remaining fully interoperable with existing Java libraries (including Eclipse plugins and especially Polychrony ones).
We experimented this transformation tool on small to medium use cases provided by members of the P project. Our work is detailed in a conference paper titled “Integration of Polychrony and QGen Model Compiler”, which will appear at ERTSS'16 (Integration of polychrony in the QGen model compiler. C. Junke, T. Gautier, L. Besnard, J.-P. Talpin. ERTS'16 - European Congress on Embeddd Real-Rime Software and Systems, 2016.). A perspective of our work is to convert the intermediate code emitted by QGen as Signal too (under development), in order to produce a fully executable Signal model of Simulink models, and combine them with architectural description of systems in AADL, and/or P's architecture language.