Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Masters: Pierre Alliez and Florent Lafarge, Ingénierie 3D, 24h, M2, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Masters: Pierre Alliez and Florent Lafarge, 3D Meshes and Applications, 32h, M2, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France.

  • Masters: Pierre Alliez, Mathématiques pour la géométrie, 24h, M2, EFREI, France.

  • Masters: Pierre Alliez, Modélisation géométrique, 16h, M2, Télécom SudParis, France.

  • Masters: Florent Lafarge, Traitement d'images numériques, 9h, M2, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Masters: Florent Lafarge, Imagerie numérique, 10h, M2, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • L2: Yuliya Tarabalka, Advanced algorithms, 27.75h eq. TD (3h of lectures + 3h of TD + 27h of TP + 1h30 of exam), L2 Networks and Telecoms, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Masters: Yuliya Tarabalka, Digital imaging, 7h eq. TD (2h of lectures + 4h of TD), M2 SVS ISAB, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.


  • PhD: Simon Giraudot, Robust surface reconstruction, defended on May 22, Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD: Sven Oesau, Reconstruction of indoor scenes, defended on June 24, Florent Lafarge and Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD: Seong-Gyun Jeong, Curvilinear Structure Modeling and its Applications in Computer Vision, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, defended on November 2015, Yuliya Tarabalka and Josiane Zerubia.

  • PhD in progress: Manish Mandad, Shape approximation with guarantees, since October 2012, Pierre Alliez and David Cohen-Steiner from GEOMETRICA.

  • PhD in progress: Liuyun Duan, Semantized Elevation Maps, since October 2013, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Jean-Dominique Favreau, Sketch-based modeling in multi-view context, since October 2014, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Emmanuel Maggiori, Representation and Analysis of Multisensor Remote Sensing Images with Partition Trees, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, started in January 2015, Yuliya Tarabalka and Pierre Alliez.


Pierre Alliez:

  • Paper and software award committees, EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing.

  • Inria CR2 recruitment committee, Inria Sophia Antipolis.

  • PhD Thesis reviewer: Jérémy Levallois (LIRIS).

  • PhD Thesis committee: Rodolphe Vaillant (Université Paul Sabatier / University of Victoria).

  • PhD Thesis reviewer: Gilles-Philippe Paillé (Université de Montréal).

  • PhD Thesis mid-term committee: Ana Vintescu (Télécom ParisTech).

Florent Lafarge:

  • Thesis reviewer: Abdoulaye Abou Diakité (Université Lyon1).

Yuliya Tarabalka:

  • Expert evaluator for an ANR project submission in May 2015.

  • Monitoring committee for the thesis of Amine Bohi, Southern University of Toulon-Var in October 2015.