Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Cordian Riener (University of Konstanz, Germany) visited from September 4-9th, 2016 to collaborate on symmetry, orthogonal polynomials and cubature with Evelyne Hubert and Bernard Mourrain.
Lan Nguyen (University of Vietnam at Hanoï) visited to collaborate on implicitization of rational maps with Laurent Busé. His visits received the financial support of LIAFV (International Laboratory for France-Vietnam collaborations in mathematics).
Aron Simis (University of Pernambuco, Brazil) visited to collaborate on syzygies of rational maps with Laurent Busé.
Nicolas Botbol (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) visited to collaborate on distance function to rational curves and surfaces with Laurent Busé.
Paul Görlach (University of Bonn) came to work on the CRISAM - Transverse action between the project teams Aromath and Athena (August-December).
Akshit Goyal and Deepak Bhatt (IIT Dehli) worked during their internship on “Meshing Singular Isosurfaces” and “Isosurface of the distance function” (May-July).
Antoine Deharveng, student at the engineer school of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, came since June 15 to work on the extraction of geometric primitives in a 3D point cloud under the supervision of Laurent Busé.
Visits to International Teams
Sabbatical programme
Evelyne Hubert was in Ontario from September 1st 2015 to February 29th 2016, with the sabbatical programme of Inria DPEI. For the period of January and February 2016 she was hosted and supported by University of Waterloo, visiting the Symbolic Computation Lab, and more particularly Pr. George Labahn.
Bernard Mourrain was invited at Univ. of Texas, Austin, for a collaboration with Pr. Chandajit Bajaj (7th-19th May).