Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Laurent Busé was the main organizor of the BIRS-CMO conference "Computational Algebra and Geometric Modeling" that took place at Oaxaca, Mexico, August 7-12 2016. He also co-organized with A. Dimca (Univ. Nice) a mini-workshop "commutative algebra and applications" that took place at the laboratory of mathematics of the university of Nice, September 22-23. He also co-organized a week of studies maths-industry (SEME) that took place at the CRI-SAM January 25-29.
Evelyne Hubert was part of the organizing committee of the collaborative research workshop Women in Shape: Modeling Boundaries of Objects in 2- and 3-Dimensions that took place June 6-12 at the Nesin Mathematics Village in Turkey.
Scientific Events Selection
Laurent Busé, Evelyne Hubert and Bernard Mourrain reviewed submissions for the conference ISSAC'16.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Bernard Mourrain is associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (since 2007) and of the SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry (since 2016).
Ioannis Emiris is associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (since 2003) and of Mathematics in Computer Science (since 2016).
Evelyne Hubert is associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (since 2007) and became a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) this year.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Laurent Busé wrote reviews for the following international journals: Journal of Symbolic Computation, Journal of Algebra, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Mathematical and Computational Applications, Graphical Models, Linear Algebra and its Applications, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, Transactions on Graphics, the Quarterly Journal of Mathematics and Math. Zeitschrift. He also wrote reviews for the ISSAC 2016 and the Eurographics 2017 international conferences.
Evelyne Hubert reviewed for the journal Mathematics of Computation, the Journal of Symbolic Computation, the Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra, the journal Mathematics in Computer Science, and Springer book series Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation,
Bernard Mourrain reviewed for the journal Advances in Computational Mathematics, the Journal of Algebra and Applications, the journal Collectanea Mathematica, the journal Computer Aided Design, the journal Computer Aided Geometric Design, the journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics, the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, the journal SIAM Journal on Optimization, the Transactions on Mathematical Softwares.
Invited Talks
Laurent Busé was invited to give a talk at the Inria project-team ARIC seminar, May 26, at the conference "Computational Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Applications", in honor of Alicia Dickenstein, that took place at Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1-3 2016, at the H2020 day organized at the CRI-SAM to give a testimony on the writing of the successful MCA-ITN proposal ARCADES.
Ioannis Emiris gave an invited talk at ACM International Symposium on Symbolic & Algebraic Computation, Waterloo, Canada, July 2016.
Evelyne Hubert was invited to give a talk at the Computational Mathematics Colloquium at University of Waterloo, Canada (January 2016); at the workshop on Théorie Effective des Invariants, at the Insitut de Mathématiques de Marseille (June 2016); at the workshop on Symmetry, Invariants, Reduction in RWTH Aachen University (September 2016); at the BIRS-CMO conference Sparse Interpolation, Rational Approximation and Exponential Analysis in Oaxaca, Mexico (November 2016). She was also invited (and supported) to partitipate to the American Institute of Mathematics workshop Algebraic Vision in San Jose, California (May 2016); and the BIRS-CMO conference Computational Algebra and Geometric Modeling in Oaxaca, Mexico (August 2016); and to the CIRM conference Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation with Applications where she presented a poster (September 2016).
Bernard Mourrain was invited to give a talk at the MFO workshop Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis Oberwolfach, Germany (February 2016), at the conference "Computational Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Applications", in honor of Alicia Dickenstein, that took place at Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1-3 2016, at the BIRS-CMO conference Computational Algebra and Geometric Modeling in Oaxaca, Mexico (August 2016), at the CIRM conference Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation with Applications Marseille, France (September 2016), at the BIRS-CMO conference Sparse Interpolation, Rational Approximation and Exponential Analysis in Oaxaca, Mexico (November 2016).
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Evelyne Hubert, in collaboration with Géraldine Morin, lead a collaborative research group at the workshop Women in Shape: Modeling Boundaries of Objects in 2- and 3-Dimensions.
Scientific Expertise
Bernard Mourrain was member of the committee of the HCERES for the evaluation of IRMAR, University of Rennes.
Evelyne Hubert was a member of the admissibility jury for the Chargé de Recherche position in CRI-Rennes Bretagne Atlantique.
Laurent Busé was a member of the CRI-SAM committee "Actions Marquantes", March 25. He is also a board member of the (national) labex AMIES (CRI-SAM representative) and a member of the steering committee of the MSI, Maison de la Modélisation, de la Simulation et des Interactions of the University Côte d'Azur.
Research Administration
Evelyne Hubert is an elected member of the Inria national Commission d'Evaluation.
Laurent Busé is an elected member of the CPRH (Commission Permanente de Ressources Humaines) of the math laboratory of the university of Nice. He was also appointed Inria representative at the "Academic Council" and the "Research Commission" of the university of Nice.