Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants : Eddy Caron, Arnaud Lefray, Marc Pinhede, Mathieu Veyrand.
Scientific Description
This editor is generated in Java from an EMF -Eclipse Modeling Framework- metamodel to simplify any modifications or extensions. The application model and the associated security policy are compiled in a single XML file which serves as input for an external Cloud security-aware scheduler. Alongside with this editor, Cloud architecture models and provisioning algorithms are provided for simulation (in the current version) or real deployments (in future versions).
Functional Description
Sam4C ( -Security-Aware Models for Clouds- is a graphical and textual editor to model Cloud applications (as virtual machines, processes, files and communications) and describe its security policy. Sam4C is suitable to represent any static application without deadline or execution time such as n-tiers or parallel applications.