Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Theodora Karvouniari, "Transmissions numériquese , 1ere année de l' IUT, Departement Réseaux et Telecommunications, 64h/ an, 50 students.
Master 2: Bruno Cessac, Neuronal dynamics, 36 hours, Master 2 of Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
PhD in progress: Selma Souihel, "Generic and specific computational principles for the visual anticipation of motion trajectories". Started in November 2016. Supervisor B. Cessac
PhD in progress: Theodora Karvouniari, "Retinal waves in the retina: theory and experiments". Started in October 2014. Supervisor, B. Cessac.
PhD defended: Kartheek Medathati, "Towards synergistic models of motion information processing in biological and artificial vision", co-supervised by Pierre Kornprobst and Guillaume S. Masson (Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille, France), December 13, 2016.
Bruno Cessac, member of the Jury's thesis: "Vers des modèles synergiques de l’estimation du mouvement en vision biologique et artificielle", by Kartheek Medathati.
Bruno Cessac, member of the Jury's thesis: "Structuration temporelle de la mémoire de travail dans les réseaux de neurones récurrents" by Guillaume Rodriguez.