Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR ASTER: ASTER is a national project that aims at developing algorithms and software for analyzing third-generation sequencing data, and more specifically RNA sequencing. Bonsai is the principal investigator in this ANR. Other partners are Erable (LBBE in Lyon) and two sequencing and analysis platforms that have been very active in the MinION Access Program (Genoscope and Institut Pasteur de Lille).

  • PIA France Génomique: National funding from “Investissements d'Avenir” (call Infrastructures en Biologie-Santé). France Génomique is a shared infrastructure, whose goal is to support sequencing, genotyping and associated computational analysis, and increases French capacities in genome and bioinformatics data analysis. It gathers 9 sequencing and 8 bioinformatics platforms. Within this consortium, we are responsible for the workpackage devoted to the computational analysis of sRNA-seq data, in coordination with the bioinformatics platform of Génopole Toulouse-Midi-Pyrénées.


  • ADT Vidjil (2015–2017): The purpose of this ADT is to strengthen Vidjil development and to ensure a better diffusion of the software by easing its installation, administration and usability. This will enable the software to be well suited for a daily clinical use. The software is already used in test on our own web server (more than 5,000 samples processed by now). Vidjil is now used in a routine practice by three French hospitals and one German hospital. By the end of the ADT, we expect this number to increase and the software to be directly installed inside some hospitals.