Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation in Other International Programs

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  • Title: Logic and Information

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Ricardo Oscar Rodrigues

  • Duration: 2015 - 2016

  • This project aims to propose an improvement on a long-term already existing collaboration between Inria, the brazilians and the argentin named team. We already have a CAPES-COFECUB cooperation (n. 690/10, namely “Teorias lógicas contemporâneas e a filosofia da linguagem: questões epistemológicas e semânticas”) that leaded to many students interchange and technical visits of Professors, including the organisation of some workshops (the last one was the 2nd Workshop on Logic and Semantics, at UERJ, Ilha Grande-RJ, Brazil. Prof. Gilles Dowek is also a Co-Advisor with Prof. Edward Hermann Haeusler of a brazilian Ph.D. Candidate in this project (and a former one also in this project, these two candidates finalised recently a sandwich doctorate - similar to stage doctorale - at Inria). Prof. Gilles Dowek also collaborates with other members of this team and is supervising a post-doc project of another member. Since 2011 members of the team presents.

  • FoQCoSS

  • Title: Foundations of Quantum Computation: Syntax and Semantics

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina) - Alejandro Diaz-Caro

    • CNRS (France) - Simon Perdrix

  • Duration: 2016 - 2017

  • The design of quantum programming languages involves the study of many characteristics of languages which can be seen as special cases of classical systems: parallelism, probabilistic systems, non-deterministic systems, type isomorphisms, etc. This project proposes to study some of these characteristics, which are involved in quantum programming languages, but also have a more immediate utility in the study of nowadays systems. In addition, from a more foundational point of view, we are interested in the implications of computer science principles for quantum physics. For example, the consequences of the Church-Turing thesis for Bell-like experiments: if some of the parties in a Bell-like experiment use a computer to decide which measurements to make, then the computational resources of an eavesdropper have to be limited in order to have a proper observation of non-locality. The final aim is to open a new direction in the search for a framework unifying computer science and quantum physics.