Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: NeuroCuriosity

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Columbia Neuroscience (United States) - ___DEPARTMENT???___ - JACQUELINE GOTTLIEB

  • Start year: 2016

  • See also: https://flowers.inria.fr/neurocuriosity

  • Curiosity can be understood as a family of mechanisms that evolved to allow agents to maximize their knowledge of the useful properties of the world. In this project we will study how different internal drives of an animal, e.g. for novelty, for action, for liking, are combined to generate the rich variety of behaviors found in nature. We will approach such challenge by studying monkeys, children and by developing new computational tools.

Informal International Partners

Benjamin Clement and Manuel Lopes just begin a collaboration with Joseph Jay Williams (Harvard University), Douglas Selent and Neil Heffernan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) to use Kidlearn algorithm and contextual multi-armed bandit to recommend explanation on ASSISTments online tutoring system. Joseph Jay Williams and Neil Heffernan used multi-armed bandit algorithm on ASSISTments platform [179] to provide efficient explanation, and new we are looking to use new algorithm to provide a more personal and relevant feedback.

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Didier Roy have create a collaboration with LSRO EPFL and Pr Francesco Mondada, about Robotics and education. The two teams co-organize the annual conference "Robotics and Education"in Bordeaux. Didier Roy teaches "Robotics and Education" in EPFL several times a year.

Didier Roy has created a collaboration with HEP VAud (Teachers High School) and Bernard Baumberger and Morgane Chevalier, about Robotics and education. SCientific discussions and shared professional training.

Participation in Other International Programs

David Filliat participates in the ITEA3 DANGUN project with Renault S.A.S. in france and partners in Korea. The purpose of the DANGUN project is to develop a Traffic Jam Pilot function with autonomous capabilities using low-cost automotive components operating in France and Korea. By incorporating low-cost advanced sensors and simplifying the vehicle designs as well as testing in different scenarios (France & Korea), a solution that is the result of technical cooperation between both countries should lead to more affordable propositions to respond to client needs in the fast moving market of intelligent mobility.