Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

The Flowers team spin-off company Pollen Robotics was created in may 2016, targeting to develop and commercialize technologies for entertainment robotics: http://pollen-robotics.com/en/

Didier Roy was award the prize Serge Hocquenguem for his work on educational robotics, http://psh.aid-creem.org/spip.php?rubrique1 et http://binaire.blog.lemonde.fr/2016/12/09/pourquoi-didier-et-eva-jouent-avec-le-meme-robot/

Sébastien Forestier, Yoan Mollard, Damien Caselli and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer obtained the notable mention demonstration award (2nd place) at the NIPS 2016 conference for their demonstration on Autonomous exploration, active learning and human guidance with open-source Poppy humanoid robot platform and Explauto library https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01404399/document

PY. Oudeyer and M. Lopes co-organized with J. Gottlieb and T. Gliga the Second Interdisciplinary Symposium on Information-Seeking, Curiosity and Attention (Neurocuriosity 2016) in London, gathering 150 researchers from neuroscience, psychology, education and machine learning/computational modelling. This was achieved in the context of the associated team Neurocuriosity. Web: https://openlab-flowers.inria.fr/t/second-interdisciplinary-symposium-on-information-seeking-curiosity-and-attention-neurocuriosity-2016/187

PY. Oudeyer and M. Lopes were awarded a 3 year-long HFSP grant with J. Gottlieb (Univ. Columbia, US) and C. Kidd (Univ. Rochester, US) for a research program targeting the understanding of active exploration in humans and monkeys through experimentation and modelling. Web: https://flowers.inria.fr/neurocuriosityproject/.

PY. Oudeyer was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Evolutionary Linguistics Association.