Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Robotique Developmental et Cognitive, 35 heures, Nantes, (Manuel Lopes et PY Oudeyer)

  • Master: Robotique Developmental et Cognitive, 35 heures, Universite de Bordeux, (Manuel Lopes et PY Oudeyer)

  • License: Inteligencia Artificial, 90 heures, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, (Manuel Lopes)

  • License: Introduction to Matlab, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Robotique Mobile, 21 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Perception pour la Robotique, 6 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Perception pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2 Systemes Avances et Robotique, University Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat)

  • Master: Perception pour la Robotique Développementale, 3 hours, CogMaster (David Filliat)

  • Licence Informatique, 64h Bordeaux University (Sébastien Forestier)

  • PY. Oudeyer taught a course on "Robotic modelling of cognitive development" at ENS Rennes, 12 h

  • PY. Oudeyer taught a course on "Robotic modelling of cognitive development" at Enseirb, 2 h

  • PY. Oudeyer taught a course on "Robotic modelling of cognitive development" at CogMaster, Paris, 3 h

  • PY. Oudeyer taught a course on "Developmental and cognitive robotics" at Univ. Mons, Belgium, 3h

  • PY. Oudeyer coordinated the project Poppy Education, which has developped several educational robotics kits for computer science education in high-schools

  • Continuing education: Robotics for education, 30 h, EPFL (Didier Roy)


  • PhD in progress: Sébastien Forestier, Models of curiosity-driven learning of tool use and speech development, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)

  • PhD in progress: William Schueller, Study of the impact of active learning and teaching in naming games dynamics, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)

  • PhD in progress: Alvaro Ovalle-Castaneda, Computational models of intrinsically motivated learning and exploraiton, started in oct. 2016 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)

  • PhD in progress: Thibault Desprez, Design and study of the impact of educational robotic kits in computer science education, started in dec. 2016 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)

  • PY. Oudeyer supervised three master thesis internship: Thibault Desprez (M2, educational robotics), Marie Demangeat (M2, educational robotics), Sébastien Mick (M2, design and study of robotic prosthesis)

  • PY. Oudeyer supervised a team of computer and pedagogical engineers and researchers for the project Poppy Education (Didier Roy, Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Théo Segonds, Damien Caselli, Nicolas Rabault, Matthieu Lapeure)

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Hecht, Bio-inspired sensor fusion, started November 2013 (superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD : Egor Sattarov, Multimodal vehicle perception architecture, Université Paris-Saclay, 9/12/2016 (co-superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD : Thomas Kopinski, Machine Learning for human-machine interaction, Université Paris-Saclay, ENSTA ParisTech, 12/02/2016 (superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD in progress: Benjamin Clement, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, started oct 2015 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: Thibaut Munzer, Learning from Instruction, started oct 2013 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Baptiste Busch, Interactive Learning, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandra Delmas, Auto-Apprentissage Auto-Adaptable pour la compliance au traitement, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD : Alexandre Armand, Situation Understanding and Risk Assessment Framework for Preventive Driver Assistance, Université Paris-Saclay, ENSTA ParisTech, 31/05/2016, superv. David Filliat, Javier Ibanez-Guzmann

  • PhD in progress: Yuxin Chen, Interactive learning of objects and names on a humanoid robot, started oct. 2013 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Celine Craye, Curiosity and visual attention for the guidance of an exploration robot, started apr. 2014 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Matricon : Task dependent visual feature selection for optimising and generalizing robotics skills (superv. David Filliat, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: José Magno Mendes Filho, Planning and control of an autonomous AGV in environment shared with humans, started Oct. 2015 (superv. David Filliat and Eric Lucet (CEA))

  • PhD in progress: Joris Guery, Domain adaptation for visual object recognition, started Oct. 2014 (superv. David Filliat and Bertrand Le Saulx (ONERA))

  • HdR :Alexander Gepperth, New learning paradigms for real-world environment perception, université Pièrre et Marie Curie, 27/6/2016


  • Manuel Lopes was in the jury of Ben-Manson Toussaint (2016), Modeling Perceptual-Gestural Knowledge for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, supervised by Vanda Luengo, University of Grenoble, France

  • David Filliat was in the jury of Isabelle Leang (15/12/2016, Rapporteur) : Fusion en ligne d’algorithmes de suivi visuel d’objet

  • David Filliat was in the jury of Egor Sattarov (09/12/2016, Examinateur) : Etude et quantification de la contribution des systèmes de perception multimodale assistés par des informations de contexte pour la détection et le suivi d'objets dynamiques

  • Alexander Gepperth was in the jury of Egor Sattarov (09/12/2016, Examinateur) : Etude et quantification de la contribution des systèmes de perception multimodale assistés par des informations de contexte pour la détection et le suivi d'objets dynamiques

  • Alexander Gepperth was in the jury of Thomas Kopinski (12/2/2016, Examinateur) : Machine learning method for human-machine interaction

  • David Filliat was in the jury of Fabrice Mayran de Chamiso (18/11/2016, Examinateur) : Navigation exploratoire au long de la vie une approche intégrant planification, navigation, cartographie et localisation pour des robots mobiles disposant de ressources finies

  • David Filliat was in the jury of Chunlei Yu (15/09/2016, Examinateur) : Contribution to evidential models for perception grids Application to intelligent vehicle navigation

  • David Filliat was in the jury of Hendry Ferreira Chame (10/01/2016, Rapporteur) : Egocentric Representations for Autonomous Navigation of Humanoid Robots

  • PY. Oudeyer was a member of the PhD juries of Maxime Carrere (Combiner les apprentissages motivés et associatifs, Univ. Bordeaux), Remi Fresnoy (Modélisation de l’activité gestuelle et sélection automatique de feedback pour des environnements interactifs d’apprentissage : application à la calligraphie, UTC Compiègne), Raphaël Rose-Andrieux (Modèle probabiliste hiérarchique de la locomotion bipède).

  • PY. Oudeyer was a member of the HdR of Alexander Gepperth, "New learning paradigms for real-world environment perception", Ensta ParisTech, Paris.

  • PY. Oudeyer was a member of the jury for selecting ENS Rennes (France) PhD grants.