Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Comins'lab : SEACS : Stochastic modEl-dAta-Coupled representationS for the analysis, simulation and reconstruction of upper ocean dynamics

Participant : Etienne Mémin.

duration 48 months. The SEACS project whose acronym stands for: “Stochastic modEl-dAta-Coupled representationS for the analysis, simulation and reconstruction of upper ocean dynamics” is a Joint Research Initiative between the three Britanny clusters of excellence of the "Laboratoires d'Excellence" program: Cominlabs, Lebesgue and LabexMer centered on numerical sciences, mathemathics and oceanography respectively. Within this project we aim at studying the potential of large-scale oceanic dynamics modeling under uncertainty for ensemble forecasting and satellite image data assimilation.

ANR JCJC GERONIMO : Advanced GEophysical Reduced-Order Model construction from IMage Observations

Participant : Cédric Herzet.

duration 48 months. The GERONIMO project which started in March 2014 aims at devising new efficient and effective techniques for the design of geophysical reduced-order models from image data. The project both arises from the crucial need of accurate low-order descriptions of highly-complex geophysical phenomena and the recent numerical revolution which has supplied the geophysical scientists with an unprecedented volume of image data. The project is placed at the intersection of several fields of expertise (Bayesian inference, matrix factorization, sparse representations, etc.) which will be combined to handle the uncertainties associated to image measurements and to characterize the accurate reduced dynamical systems.

ANR BECOSE : Beyond Compressive Sensing: Sparse approximation algorithms for ill-conditioned inverse problems.

Participants : Dominique Heitz, Cédric Herzet.

duration 48 months. The BECOSE project aims to extend the scope of sparsity techniques much beyond the academic setting of random and well-conditioned dictionaries. In particular, one goal of the project is to step back from the popular L1-convexification of the sparse representation problem and consider more involved nonconvex formulations, both from a methodological and theoretical point of view. The algorithms will be assessed in the context of tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), a rapidly growing imaging technique in fluid mechanics that will have strong impact in several industrial sectors including environment, automotive and aeronautical industries. The consortium gathers the Fluminance and Panama Inria research teams, the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN), The Research Institute of Communication and Cybernetics of Nantes (IRCCyN), and ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab.

ANR-MN: H2MNO4 project

Participants : Yvan Crenner, Benjamin Delfino, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy, Jocelyne Erhel, Lionel Lenôtre.

Contract with ANR, program Modèles Numériques

Duration: four years from November 2012.

Title: Original Optimized Object Oriented Numerical Model for Heterogeneous Hydrogeology.

Coordination: Jocelyne Erhel and Géraldine Pichot, with Fabienne Cuyollaa.

Partners: Geosciences Rennes, University of Poitiers, University of Lyon 1, Andra, Itasca.

International collaborations: University of San Diego (USA), UPC, Barcelona (Spain)

Web page: http://h2mno4.inria.fr/

Abstract: The project H2MNO4 develops numerical models for reactive transport in heterogeneous media. It defines six mathematical and computational challenges and three applications for environmental problems with societal impact. We presented a poster at the ANR-day (rencontre du numérique, Parius, Nov. 2016)

INSU-LEFE : Toward new methods for the estimation of sub-meso scale oceanic streams

Participant : Cédric Herzet.

duration 36 months. This project tackles the problem of deriving a precise submesoscale characterization of ocean currents from satellite data. The targeted methodologies should in particular enable the exploitation of data of different nature (for example sea surface temperature or height) and/or resolutions. This 36-month project benefits from a collaboration with the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.


Participant : Etienne Mémin.

duration 24 months. This project with MeteoFrance aims at exploring error modeling and stochastic parameterization in geophysical flow dynamics. The theory explored in this context should enable the construction of unified image data assimilation strategies.

Inria Project Lab: C2S@EXA project

Participants : Yvan Crenner, Jocelyne Erhel.

Title: C2S@EXA - Computer and Computational Scienecs at Exascale

Duration: from January 2012 until April 2017

Coordination: S. Lanteri, Nachos team.

Partners: Inria teams working on HPC; external partners: ANDRA and CEA.

Webpage: http://www-sop.inria.fr/c2s_at_exa/

Abstract: The C2S@Exa Inria Project Lab is concerned with the development of numerical modeling methodologies that fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures in the context of a number of selected applications related to important scientific and technological challenges for the quality and the security of life in our society. The team participated in several workshops.

GENCI: project on advanced linear solvers

Participants : Yvan Crenner, Jocelyne Erhel, David Imberti.

Title: Numerical models for hydrogeology

Duration: 2016

Coordination: J. Erhel

Webpage: http://www.genci.fr/

Abstract: To run large scale simulations, we defined a project, based on the platform H2OLab and on a new GMRES solver. We obtained and used computing time on machines located at GENCI supercomputing centers.


Participants : Benjamin Delfino, Jocelyne Erhel.

Title: Mathematics for Nuclear industry

Duration: From 2016 to 2019

Coordination: C. Cancès

Webpage: http://gdr-manu.math.cnrs.fr/

Abstract: The working group MANU is a follow-up to the group MOMAS. It covers many subjects related to mathematical modeling and numerical simulations for problems arising from nuclear industry and nuclear waste disposal. The team participated in the conference JEMP2016.