Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Events organization

  • A. Couvreur, D. Augot and D. Lucas organized with L. De Feo and Hugues Randriambololona (ENST ParisTech) a spring school on coding and cryptology in la Chapelle Gauthier (Seine et Marne).

  • A. Couvreur and D. Augot organized 4 days workshop in november 2016 for the ANR MANTA. The topics were: “Decoding” and “Codes from surfaces”.

  • SageDays75. To conclude the ACTIS projet, we organized a one-week SageDays in August 2016. The day was spent at Inria Saclay, and people were staying at night in a cottage in Vallée de Chevreuse.

    The overall theme of this Sage Days was coding theory and exact linear algebra related to it, but there was be lots of general hacking. The aim of this Sage Days was to Introduce Sage to coding theorists; have presentations about the enhancements we made to Sage's coding theory library during Inria's ACTIS project; Help people to work on their own projects.

    We had a few talks on the mornings, and coding sprints on the afternoons. The first days' talks were focused on basic functionalities of our library, the last 2 days on advanced functionalities, with an emphasis on Sage development.

    We were glad to attract several core sage developpers, who recognized the quality of the work done by D. Lucas.