Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
CR-PLAY – Capture Reconstruct Play
Partner: TU Darmstadt (DE), UC London (UK), U. Patras (GR), Miniclip UK, Cursor Oy (FI)
Abstract: The goal of this project is to use image- and video-based rendering and relighting techniques in the context of games and in particular mobile or casual games. The computer graphics and vision partners (UCL, TUD) are leaders in their fields, and have developed algorithms allowing easy capture of scenes using images and video, and reconstruction using vision algorithms. UCL and Inria have developed image- and video-based rendering algorithms which can be useful for games. These tools need to be perfected, reducing artifacts and difficulty of use so that they can be useful and productive for games companies. For evaluation, the HCI lab of the University of Patras will provide cutting-edge methodologies to make the resulting systems useable. The consortium is led by the games company Testaluna, based in Genova Italy. Other industrial partners include Cursor Oy (a regional group of games companies in Finland, which is a leader in Europe in Casual games) and Miniclip, which is one of the major players in the online game market.
This year we had four results related to CR-PLAY on multi-view segmentation [10], multi-view inpainting [13], image-based rendering of cars [12] and indoors [6]. The work on indoors rendering was led by the CR-PLAY partner UCL. The CR-PLAY project ended in October, and was successfully evaluated in November. The project has resulted in a number of technological developments related to the Ph.D. work of R. Ortiz-Cayon and T. Thonat, as well as the postdoc of A. Djelouah which will be the object of a market study in the goal of a technology transfer.
Partner: Diginext (FR), ATHENA (GR), Noho (IRL), U Glasgow (UK), U York (UK)
Abstract: Storytelling applies to nearly everything we do. Everybody uses stories, from educators to marketers and from politicians to journalists to inform, persuade, entertain, motivate or inspire. In the cultural heritage sector, however, narrative tends to be used narrowly, as a method to communicate to the public the findings and research conducted by the domain experts of a cultural site or collection. The principal objective of the EMOTIVE project is to research, design, develop and evaluate methods and tools that can support the cultural and creative industries in creating Virtual Museums which draw on the power of `emotive storytelling'. This means storytelling that can engage visitors, trigger their emotions, connect them to other people around the world, and enhance their understanding, imagination and, ultimately, their experience of cultural sites and content. EMOTIVE will do this by providing the means to authors of cultural products to create high-quality, interactive, personalized digital stories.
GRAPHDECO will contribute by developing novel image-based rendering techniques to help museum curators and archeologists provide more engaging experiences.