Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
J-P. Merlet was General Chair of ARK 2016, organized by the team in Grasse (70 attendees), [16]
Member of the Organizing Committees
J-P. Merlet is a member of the scientific committee of the European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES), chairman of the scientific Committee of the Computational Kinematics workshop, a member of the steering Committee of IROS
Y. Papegay is a permanent member of the International Steering Committee of the International Mathematica Symposium conferences series.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Editorial Boards
Invited Talks
J-P. Merlet has given a talk during the Scientific days of Inria and the Human Robot Interaction workshop
Leadership within the Scientific Community
J-P. Merlet is Inria representative to the PPP Eurobotics aisbl. He is a member of the IFToMM (International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) Technical Committees on History and on Computational Kinematics and has be re-elected as one of the 10 members of IFToMM Executive Council, the board of this federation. He is a member of the scientific committee of the CNRS GDR robotique.
Scientific Expertise
J-P. Merlet was involved in project evaluations for several foreign funding agencies (Israel, Austria, Finland). He was also appointed as Nominator for the Japan's Prize. He was a member of the jury of the PhD Award of GDR robotique.
Research Administration
J-P. Merlet is an elected member of Inria Scientific Council. and member of the CAC of UCA COMUE.
O. Pourtallier is a board member of SeaTech, an Engineering School of University of Toulon. She is a member of the Inria CSD (doctoral students monitoring), and is responsible of the Inria NICE committee (long term invited scientists and post-doctoral student selection).
Y. Papegay is a member of the Inria CUMIR and of the ADT committee