Section: New Software and Platforms
HIPS (Hierarchical Iterative Parallel Solver) is a scientific library that provides an efficient parallel iterative solver for very large sparse linear systems.
The key point of the methods implemented in HIPS is to define an ordering and a partition of the unknowns that relies on a form of nested dissection ordering in which cross points in the separators play a special role (Hierarchical Interface Decomposition ordering). The subgraphs obtained by nested dissection correspond to the unknowns that are eliminated using a direct method and the Schur complement system on the remaining of the unknowns (that correspond to the interface between the sub-graphs viewed as sub-domains) is solved using an iterative method (GMRES or Conjugate Gradient at the time being).
Thus, HIPS is a software library that provides several methods to build an efficient preconditioner in almost all situations.
Audience: A-4 (large audience, used by people outside the team).
Software originality: SO-4 (original software implementing a fair number of original ideas).
Software maturity: SM-3 (well-developed software, good documentation, reasonable software engineering).
Evolution and maintenance: EM-2 (basic maintenance to keep the software alive).
Software distribution and licensing: SDL-4 (public source or binary distribution on the Web).