Section: New Results
Outdoor InfraRed Thermography
Autonomous software architecture standardized for infrared and environmental SHM : Cloud2IR
Participants : Antoine Crinière, Jean Dumoulin, Laurent Mevel.
Cloud2IR is an autonomous software architecture, allowing multi-sensor connection (i.e. Infrared Thermography), dedicated to the long term monitoring of infrastructures. Past experimentations have shown the need as well as usefulness of such system. The system has been developed in order to cut down software integration time which facilitates the system adaptation to each experiment specificity. That is why we propose a bi- headed architecture. A specialized part, it represents the sensor specific development as well as their drivers and their different fixed configurations. In our case, as infrared camera are slightly different than other kind of sensors, the system implement in addition an RTSP server which can be used to set up the FOV as well as other measurement parameter considerations and a generic part, which can be seen as the data management side. This last part can be seen as the first embryo of a future generic framework dedicated to the data management of local multisensors (DaMaLoS). It is able to aggregate any sensor data, type or size and automatically encapsulate them in various generic data format as HDF5 or cloud data as OGC SWE standard. This whole part is also responsible of the acquisition scenario the local storage management and the network management through SFTP or SOAP for OGC Web services. Cloud2IR has been deployed on field since more than one year at the SenseCity outdoor test bed and several month at the Inria test bed, both located in France. The system aggregates various sensors as infrared camera, a GPS, multiple pyranometers, a weather station and a proprietary access to the SenseCity data viewer.[40][41]
GPU Improved quantitative analysis of Longterm Infrared-Thermography Data
Participants : Antoine Crinière, Jean Dumoulin, Laurent Mevel.
Since the past decade, infrared thermography coupled with inverse models based on 1d thermal quadrupoles have shown their usefulness in civil engineering by first showing their ability to assess the quantitative non destructive testing of concrete repaired by bonded CFRP plate over a wide area (i.e. repaired or reinforced concrete beams). On the other hand early implementations of long terms monitoring methods based on such approach have given their first results over a whole bridge deck. The experimental method, allow us to have the apparent surface temperature field evolution with time for a wide area divided in pixels. Knowing this specificity, the procedure aims to apply an independent model to each pixel in order to retrieve physical properties map. Such treatment can have a high computational cost. We propose various improvement of our procedure based on GPGPU paradigm in order to shorten the computational time. This study will detail an experimental procedure able to assess the long term thermal monitoring of a bridge deck over days and to draw properties maps of the inner structure. [28]
Infrared thermography for cultural heritage monitoring
Participant : Jean Dumoulin.
Radiation theory helps us to introduce infrared thermography. Infrared thermography is first presented in its passive mode and followed by considerations on active mode. Some processing analysis approaches are described. They belong to signal and image processing domain or to heat transfer domain. Illustration of results obtained with such analysis approaches are described on two experiments carried out in quasi laboratory conditions. Then, a case case study of the monitoring of the Viaduct Basento in Potenza (Southern Italy) is presented. Two features make fascinating this case study. The first one regards the fact that Viaduct Basento is probably the most important and visionary architectural work of the famous structural engineer Sergio Musmeci. The second aspect concerns the application, almost unique in the scientific literature, of an integrated diagnosis approaches combining a wide set of electromagnetic sensing technologies combined with advanced civil engineering analysis methodologies and tools.[44] [45] [22] [23]