Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
PhD project with EDF – Electrical device ageing monitoring
Participants : Nassif Berrabah, Qinghua Zhang.
A joint PhD project between Inria and EDF (ElectricitÈ de France) has been started since December 2014. The purpose of this study is to develop methods for the monitoring of electrical instruments in power stations, in order to prevent failures caused by ageing or accidental events. This project is funded by EDF and by the ANRT agency for three years.
Contracts with SVS
Participants : Laurent Mevel, Michael Doehler.
I4S is doing technology transfer towards SVS to implement I4S technologies into ARTEMIS Extractor Pro. This is done under a royalty agreement between Inria and SVS .
In 2014, the damage detection toolbox has been launched
In 2015, SVS and Inria have earned an Innobooster grant to help transfer algorithms in 2016 Artemis Extractor Pro.
In 2016, uncertainty quantification for modal analysis has been launched
Contracts with A3IP
Participant : Vincent Le Cam.
Since 2008, IFSTTAR has licensed the company A3IP to sell licenses of the PEGASE 1 platform (previous version of PEGASE 2 as mentioned above). A3IP sells them to to companies, laboratories or any third-party partner interested in in-situ monitoring (SHM) with smart and wireless sensors. Since 2008, about 1000 of PEGASE 1 units have been sold, plus hundreds of the following items:
daughter boards: 3G / Ethernet communications, Analog to Digital data acquisition...
specific packaging to make the PEGASE 1 solution ready to use in waterproof conditioning
For example, in 2016, A3IP has provided a complete panoply of PEGASE-1 Vibration Monitoring system with more than 30 PEGASE1 units to ensure the monitoring of the new High Speed Train line in west of France (Bretagne Pays de la Loire high speed railway).
This non exclusive license is clearly a success in terms of dissemination.
Contract with SNCF: DEMETER
Participant : Vincent Le Cam.
DEMETER is one of the major projects for I4S in terms of strategy, scientific and technological impact.
DEMETER is a meta project whose global objective is the validation of the contribution of the Internet of Things (IOT) applied to the Health Monitoring of Railways Items. SNCF and IFSTTAR have signed a roadmap for safety relevant items, where wireless monitoring and smart algorithms could bring strong improvements to SNCF in terms of real-time maintenance or predictive maintenance. Those items are, amongst others:
In each case, a prototype of a specific PEGASE 2 sensor is designed, installed along in-situ railways lines under exploitation and data are transmitted wireless to the cloud supervisor at IFSTTAR for evaluation in SHM algorithms. IFSTTAR's engineers Arthur Bouche, Laurent Lemarchand and David Pallier are contributing to this project.
In particular, SNCF and IFSTTAR are able to perform the entire validation process quickly in few months: from the algorithm to the electronic design and installation. In 2016, the consortium reached 2 milestones: the PEDAL-LORA monitoring sensor has been awarded the European Railway Cluster Price in railway innovation; this system is now becoming an industrial product, directly designed by a third-party company for SNCF. In 2017, the roadmap will be extended with a specific focus on SHM algorithms implementation to help SNCF moving from big data to smart data.
Contracts with SDEL-CC (VINCI Group)
Participant : Vincent Le Cam.
In 2016, a contract has been signed with the company SDEL-CC, daughter of the VINCI Group, Energy department. The project exploits the unique time stamp capacity of PEGASE 2 up to 50 nanosecond, independently of distances in the network of PEGASE2 nodes. The synchronization capacity is employed to design a sensor prototype based on PEGASE2 to time-stamp the current wave after a lightning impact on a high-voltage line. By knowing the exact time, the wave can be seen at each extremity of the electrical line to localize accurately the lightning impact point. IFSTTAR's engineers Arthur Bouche and Laurent Lemarchand have contributed to this project.
During 2016, we have improved its embedded algorithms on PEGASE 2 platform to:
take into account some specific GPS frames that output from its GPS receiver and give practical information on time drift
auto compute the real quartz period on each specific PEGASE 2 board
Two PEGASE 2 platforms are now able to time stamp an event with an accuracy of less that 10 nanoseconds. This leads to a precision of around 3 m for Lightning localization.
In 2017 in situ validation will be achieved on a real operated electric line.
Collaboration with SIEMENS : CityVal Rennes
Participant : Jean Dumoulin.
A first Winter season measurements campaign on the 100m metro structure mock-up built at IFSTTAR test track facilities in Nantes was carried out in 2016. It was completed by in situ instrumentation including coupling of infrared thermography with other measurements techniques for long term monitoring during several months. A new campaign is under preparation and will be launched in 2017. This collaboration is also connected with the new automated metro line B under construction in Rennes.