Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

MONEOL - project with CEAtech Pays de Loire

Participants : Ivan Guéguen, Guillaume Gautier, Laurent Mevel.

  • Type: CEAtech PDL

  • Objectif: Modal analysis of wind turbines using new sensors

  • Duration: 11/2015 to 11/2017.

  • Coordinator: Louis Marie Cotineau (IFSTTAR)

  • Inria contact: Guillaume Gautier

  • Abstract: The MONEOL project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using Morphosense as a vibration monitoring system for wind turbines. It is proposed to set up a demonstrator consisting of a monitoring system placed in the mast of the wind turbine, a vibration analysis system and a visualization of the vibratory state at the CEA-Tech premises, located on the Technocampus Ocean of Nantes allowing to visualize in real time (quasi) the modal deformations of the mast of the wind turbine. This system consists of the following elements:

    The demonstrator consists of the monitoring system placed in the wind turbine of a video screen displaying in real time indicators to evaluate the state of health of the structure:

    • Modal parameters (eigen frequencies, modal damping, modal deformations) over time and associated uncertainties.

    • Indicators of detection and localization of damage.

    The demonstrator will also be able to display a video of the wind turbine in operation. In order to validate the Morphosense sensor, a reference system is added to it, consisting of conventional accelerometer sensors.

Interactive Communication (InterCom): Massive random access to subsets of compressed correlated data

Participants : Jean Dumoulin, Antoine Crinière.

  • Type: Labex COMINLABS

  • Objectif: Massive random access to large-scale sensor network (Smart Cities)

  • Duration: Since November 2016 to Nov. 2019.

  • Coordinator :Aline Roumy, Thomas Maugey (Sirocco), Jean Dumoulin (I4S)

  • Partners: Elsa Dupraz (Lab-STICC), Aline Roumy (IRISA, Sirocco team), Michel Kieffer (L2S), Thomas Maugey(IRISA, Sirocco team), CentraleSupelec, Univ. Paris Sud.

  • Inria contact: Jean Dumoulin

  • Abstract: This project aims to develop novel compression techniques allowing massive random access to large databases. Indeed, we consider a database that is so large that, to be stored on a single server, the data have to be compressed efficiently, meaning that the redundancy/correlation between the data have to be exploited. The dataset is then stored on a server and made available to users that may want to access only a subset of the data. Such a request for a subset of the data is indeed random, since the choice of the subset is user-dependent. Finally, massive requests are made, meaning that, upon request, the server can only perform low complexity operations (such as bit extraction but no decompression/compression).

    Algorithms for two emerging applications of this problem will be developed: Free-viewpoint Television (FTV) and massive requests to a database collecting data from a large-scale sensor network (such as Smart Cities) in which I4S is involved.

MAG2C-Pont Tabarly

Participants : Ivan Guéguen, Jean Dumoulin.

  • Type: GIS

  • Objectif: bridge instrumentation

  • Duration: Since 2014

  • Coordinator: LIRGEC

  • Partners: IFSTTAR, CSTB, Nantes Métropole, Université de Nantes

  • Inria contact: Ivan Guéguen

  • Abstract: The project deals with the instrumentation of the Tabarly Bridge.

    Based on accelerometer measurements, the vibration behaviour will be monitored and structural defects detected. Coupled with a wireless data transmission system type or wifi 3g, remote monitoring is envisaged. The different objectives are

    • Experimentation on a bridge

    • Equipment qualification in real conditions over long term

    • Apply different vibration processing algorithms

    • Monitoring and detection

    • Measurement database

    An accelerometer-based distributed network on the structure is installed and connected to a data acquisition system and a modem 3g for continuous remote measurements, which will be available on the internet.

MAG2C-MOSIWIND (MOnitoring of Structural Integrity of an onshore WIND turbine’s slab foundation and tower)

Participants : Xavier Chapeleau, Ivan Guéguen.

  • Type: GIS

  • Objectif: MOnitoring of Structural Integrity of an onshore WIND turbine’s slab foundation and tower

  • Duration: Since 2015

  • Coordinator : LIRGEC

  • Partners: IFSTTAR, CSTB, Nantes Métropole, Université de Nantes, ECN, Valorem, Valréa and Valémo

  • Inria contact: Xavier Chapeleau

  • Abstract: The project deals with the instrumentation of an onshore WIND turbine’s slab foundation and tower. The aim is to experiment sensors and methods for structural integrity monitoring of an onshore wind turbine under real conditions and to qualify them over long term. Before casting, the concrete slab foundation (20m in diameter, 3.85m high, 450m3 of concrete, 48T of reinforcement) was first instrumented with continuous optical fibers, optical strain gauges, temperature sensors and accelerometers. Afterwards, accelerometers were placed in the mast. Data obtained by these different sensors will help, on the one hand, to monitor changes in the dynamic behavior of the structure in order to verify that they remain within the limits fixed during the design and, on the other hand, to detect any damage that could be critical for the safety of the structure. For this, SSI methods under ambient vibration will be applied.

Collaboration with GEM

Participants : Laurent Mevel, Michael Doehler, Md Delwar Hossain Bhuyan.

Md Delwar Hossain Bhuyan has started a PhD on Damage localisation on offshore platforms, The thesis is co-directed by L. Mevel and F. Schoefs from GEM, Nantes, with supervision shared with M. Doehler and Y. Lecieux from GEM. It is funded by the Brittany region for 3 years.