Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Remi Ronfard was

  • co-organizer of the Eurographics workshop on intelligent cinematography and editing (WICED) in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2016.

  • co-organizer of the Computational Modeling of Narrative (CMN) conference in Cracow, Poland in July 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Marie-Paule Cani was chosen as Technical Paper Chair of Siggraph 2017 and started working on this since January 2016, with several meetings in the US throughout the year.

  • Stefanie Hahmann was Paper Chair of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2016.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Marie-Paule Cani served in the Papers Committees of Eurographics 2016 and Siggraph 2016.

  • Frédéric Devernay served as a member of the program committee for IEEE CVPR 2016, ECCV 2016, 3DV 2016, CVMP 2016, RFIA 2016.

  • Damien Rohmer was member of the International Program Committee for Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) and Shape Modeling International-Sculpting Event (SMI-FASE). He was also member of the jury of the best paper for AFIG-EGFR.

  • Remi Ronfard was a member of the Program Committees for Motion in Games (MIG 2016), International Conference on Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS 2016) and Intelligent Narrative Technology (INT 2016).

  • Stefanie Hahmann serves in the International Program Committee for Eurographics 2016 and Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2016.

  • Jean-Claude Léon was member of the International Program Committee for Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) and Shape Modeling International-Sculpting Event (SMI-FASE)

  • Damien Rohmer was reviewer for ACM SIGGRAPH Asia.

  • Remi Ronfard was a reviewer for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) and Computer Human Interface (CHI) conferences in 2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Marie-Paule Cani is an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).

  • Stefanie Hahmann was a guest Editor of the journal CAD Vol. 78 (Elsevier): Special Issue on Solid and Physical Modeling SPM’16, (eds.) Mario Botsch (Allemagne), Stefanie Hahmann, Scott Schaefer (USA).

  • Jean-Claude Léon is an Associate Editor of CAD (Elsevier)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Remi Ronfard was a reviewer for the « Computers and Graphics » and « Graphical Models » journals in 2016.

  • Stefanie Hahmann was a reviewer for the journals CAGD and CAD

  • Jean-Claude Léon was a reviewer for the journal ASME JCISE

Invited Talks

Marie-Paule Cani gave the following invited talks

  • Towards the Expressive Design of Virtual Worlds: Combining Knowledge and Control. Key-note talk, Eurographics’2016, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2016.

  • Expressive 3D Modeling: User-centered models for seamless creation through gestures. Key-note talk, Graphics Interface’2016, Victoria, Canada June 2016

  • Modélisation 3D expressive: du design numérique à la création de mondes virtuels animés. 3h talks for the Computer Science students of ENS Paris-Saclay (previously called ENS Cachan)

  • Towards the Expressive Design of Virtual Worlds: Combining Knowledge and Control. Inria Sophia Antipolis colloquium series, September 2016.

  • Modélisation 3D Expressive : du design numérique à la création de mondes virtuels animés. Invited lecture. l’Université de Corse, Corte, Octobre 2016.

  • Expressive 3D modeling: from digital design to the creation of animated virtual worlds. Computer Science colloquium, University Paris VI, November 2016.

Rémi Ronfard gave the following invited talks

  • Directing virtual worlds, Xerox Research Center Europe, Meylan.

  • The prose storyboard language, a tool for annotating and directing movies, Research seminar on digital images, ENS Ulm, February 11, 2016.

  • Directing virtual worlds, Disney Research, Zurich.

  • Génération et montage de rushes cinématographiques par analyse vidéo et application aux captations de théâtre. Séminaire en humanités numériques: Valoriser la recherche en arts performatifs par le numérique, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Lille, April 18, 2016.

  • Can computers pay attention ? Journée d’étude sur Attention humaine / Exo-attention computationnelle (Human Attention / Computational Exo-Attention) at University Grenoble Alpes, October 13, 2016.

Scientific Expertise

  • Marie-Paule Cani

    • was a reviewer for a consolidator and a starting ERC project.

    • did some consulting for Disney Research, Zurich.

  • Remi Ronfard

    • was a reviewer for the AXIOM GAMMA project at the European Commission (review meetings in March and July 2016).

    • was a member of the scientific committee at IMAGINOVE in 2016.

  • Stefanie Hahmann

    • was an expert for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

    • serves as a member of the Advisory Board (2014-2018) for the Européen Marie-Curie Training Network ARCADES.

Research Administration

  • Marie-Paule Cani served as first Vice-Chair and chair of the Steering Committee of the Eurographics association.

  • Marie-Paule Cani and Rémi Ronfard are elected members of the executive board (CA) of EG-France, the french chapter of Eurographics.

  • Marie-Paule Cani became joint director of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann from July 2016.

  • Damien Rohmer is member of the Conseil d’Administration of Association Française d’Informatique Graphique (AFIG).

  • Rémi Ronfard

    • was the Head of the Image and Geometry Department at Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann until July 2016.

    • is the co-organizer of the action « Visage, geste, action et comportement » at GDR ISIS.

    • has been the head (by interim) of the Imagine team from April 2016.

  • Stefanie Hahmann

    • is an elected member of the Executive Committee of SMA (Solid Modeling Association) since 2013.

    • is the head of the French working group "GTMG" (Groupe de travail en Modélisation Géométrique) part of the CNRS GDR IM and GDR IGRV.

    • was member of the Conseil de laboratoire of the LJK lab.