Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Remi Ronfard was
co-organizer of the Eurographics workshop on intelligent cinematography and editing (WICED) in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2016.
co-organizer of the Computational Modeling of Narrative (CMN) conference in Cracow, Poland in July 2016.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Marie-Paule Cani was chosen as Technical Paper Chair of Siggraph 2017 and started working on this since January 2016, with several meetings in the US throughout the year.
Stefanie Hahmann was Paper Chair of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2016.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Marie-Paule Cani served in the Papers Committees of Eurographics 2016 and Siggraph 2016.
Frédéric Devernay served as a member of the program committee for IEEE CVPR 2016, ECCV 2016, 3DV 2016, CVMP 2016, RFIA 2016.
Damien Rohmer was member of the International Program Committee for Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) and Shape Modeling International-Sculpting Event (SMI-FASE). He was also member of the jury of the best paper for AFIG-EGFR.
Remi Ronfard was a member of the Program Committees for Motion in Games (MIG 2016), International Conference on Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS 2016) and Intelligent Narrative Technology (INT 2016).
Stefanie Hahmann serves in the International Program Committee for Eurographics 2016 and Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2016.
Jean-Claude Léon was member of the International Program Committee for Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) and Shape Modeling International-Sculpting Event (SMI-FASE)
Remi Ronfard was a reviewer for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) and Computer Human Interface (CHI) conferences in 2016.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Marie-Paule Cani is an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
Stefanie Hahmann was a guest Editor of the journal CAD Vol. 78 (Elsevier): Special Issue on Solid and Physical Modeling SPM’16, (eds.) Mario Botsch (Allemagne), Stefanie Hahmann, Scott Schaefer (USA).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Remi Ronfard was a reviewer for the « Computers and Graphics » and « Graphical Models » journals in 2016.
Stefanie Hahmann was a reviewer for the journals CAGD and CAD
Invited Talks
Marie-Paule Cani gave the following invited talks
Towards the Expressive Design of Virtual Worlds: Combining Knowledge and Control. Key-note talk, Eurographics’2016, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2016.
Expressive 3D Modeling: User-centered models for seamless creation through gestures. Key-note talk, Graphics Interface’2016, Victoria, Canada June 2016
Modélisation 3D expressive: du design numérique à la création de mondes virtuels animés. 3h talks for the Computer Science students of ENS Paris-Saclay (previously called ENS Cachan)
Towards the Expressive Design of Virtual Worlds: Combining Knowledge and Control. Inria Sophia Antipolis colloquium series, September 2016.
Modélisation 3D Expressive : du design numérique à la création de mondes virtuels animés. Invited lecture. l’Université de Corse, Corte, Octobre 2016.
Expressive 3D modeling: from digital design to the creation of animated virtual worlds. Computer Science colloquium, University Paris VI, November 2016.
Rémi Ronfard gave the following invited talks
Directing virtual worlds, Xerox Research Center Europe, Meylan.
The prose storyboard language, a tool for annotating and directing movies, Research seminar on digital images, ENS Ulm, February 11, 2016.
Génération et montage de rushes cinématographiques par analyse vidéo et application aux captations de théâtre. Séminaire en humanités numériques: Valoriser la recherche en arts performatifs par le numérique, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Lille, April 18, 2016.
Can computers pay attention ? Journée d’étude sur Attention humaine / Exo-attention computationnelle (Human Attention / Computational Exo-Attention) at University Grenoble Alpes, October 13, 2016.
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
Marie-Paule Cani served as first Vice-Chair and chair of the Steering Committee of the Eurographics association.
Marie-Paule Cani and Rémi Ronfard are elected members of the executive board (CA) of EG-France, the french chapter of Eurographics.
Marie-Paule Cani became joint director of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann from July 2016.
Damien Rohmer is member of the Conseil d’Administration of Association Française d’Informatique Graphique (AFIG).