Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Marie-Paule Cani is responsible for two courses at Ensimag/Grenoble-INP: 3D Graphics (a course that attracts about 80 master 1 students per year) and IRL (Introduction à la recherche en laboratoire), a course enabling engineering students to work on a personal project in a research lab during one semester, to get an idea of what academic research is.
Stefanie Hahmann is co-responsible of the department MMIS (Images and Applied Maths) at Grenoble INP with 120 students. (
Stefanie Hahmann had teaching load of 192h per year. She is responsible of 3 courses at Ensimag/Grenoble INP: Numerical Methods (240 students, 3rd year Bachelor level), Geometric Modeling (60 students, Master 1st year) and Surface Modeling (30 students, Master 2nd year).
Olivier Palombi is responsible of the French Campus numérique of anatomy. He is responsible and national leader of the project SIDES ( All the French medical schools (43) have planed to use the same e-learning framework (SIDES) to manage evaluations (examen) and to create a large shared database of questions.
François Faure was responsible of the GVR-(Graphics, Vision and Robotic) program in the MOSIG Master.
Damien Rohmer is coordinator of the Math, Signal, Image program at the engineering school CPE Lyon in supervising the scientific and technical content of the program. He is also co-responsible of the Image, Modeling & Computing specialization program attracting 35 students per year. He gives, and is responsible, for of one Computer Science class (130 student, 3rd year Bachelor level), an introductory Computer Graphics class (110 students, Master 1st year), and 5 specialization classes on C++ programming, OpenGL programming, 3D modeling, animation and rendering (35 students, Master 1st and 2nd year). He coordinates the association between CPE and the new computer graphics master program ID3D (Image, Développement et Technologie 3D) from University Lyon1. He also coordinates the association between CPE and the Gamagora computer game project.
Rémi Ronfard taught courses in Computational modeling of narrative texts, movies and games, MSTII Doctoral School, University Grenoble Alpes (18 hours in March-April 2016); Game Engine Programming, M2R IMAGINA, University of Montpellier (36 hours in October-December 2016) and Advanced 3D animation, M2R MOSIG, University of Grenoble Alpes (12 hours in December 2016).
Jean-Claude Léon is in charge of the module Mechanical Systems at Grenoble-INP ENSE3 (300 students, 64h, coordination of three courses)
Frédéric Devernay teaches Computer Science and Algorithmics to L1 and L2 students (Cycle Préparatoire Polytechnique : CPP) at INP Grenoble (50h).
Note that MOSIG is joint master program between University Joseph Fourier (UJF) and Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) taught in English since it hosts a number of internal students. It belongs to the doctoral school MSTII.
Most of the members of our team are Professor or Assistant Professor in University where the common teaching load is about 200h per year. Rémi Ronfard who is only researcher usually perform some teaching in vacations.
PhD: Léo Allemand-Giorgis. Reconstruction de surfaces à partir de complexes de Morse-Smale. Thèse MENRT. October 2012-Juin 2016. Stefanie Hahmann and GP Bonneau (Maverick team).
PhD: Pierre-Luc Manteaux. Simulation et contrôle de phénomènes physiques. Grenoble University. October 2012-September 2016. Marie-Paule Cani and François Faure.
PhD: Camille Schreck. Interactive deformation of virtual paper. Grenoble Université, October 2013 - October 2016. Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer.
PhD: Ulysse Vimont. Novel Methods for the Interactive Design of Complex Objects and Animations October 2013 - November 2016. Marie-Paule Cani, Damien Rohmer.
PhD in progress: Romain Brégier (Université de Grenoble Alpes), Dévracage d'objets à l'aide de bras robotisés, encadrée par Frédéric Devernay et dirigée par James Crowley (LIG, Grenoble), soutenance prévue en octobre 2017.
PhD in progress: Guillaume Cordonnier. Graphical simulation of mountains based on geology. Grenoble university. October 2015-September 2018. Marie-Paule Cani and Eric Galin.
PhD in progress: Pablo Coves, From Point Cloud Data to Functional CAD Model. Grenoble Universit. Jean-Claude Léon, Damien Rohmer, Raphaëlle Chaine (LIRIS), Julie Digne (LIRIS).
PhD in progress: Sébastien Crozet, Calcul de distance minimale entre solides B-Rep CAO pour des applications de simulations mécaniques temps réelles, Janvier 2015- Décembre 2017. Frédéric Devernay.
PhD in progress: Even Entem. 3D modelling from a sketch. Grenoble University. November 2013-March 2017. Marie-Paule Cani and Loic Barthe (IRIT Toulouse).
PhD in progress: Amélie Fondevilla. Sculpting and animating developable surfaces with video embedding, Thèse MENRT. October 2016 - September 2021. Stefanie Hahmann.
PhD in progress: Geoffrey Guingo. Synthesis of animated textures. Grenoble university. October 2015-September 2018. Marie-Paule Cani, Jean-Michel Dischler and Basile Sauvage.
PhD in progress: Sandra Nabil (Université de Grenoble Alpes), Vidéo panoramique 360 dégrés à très haute résolution, encadrée par Frédéric Devernay et dirigée par James Crowley (LIG, Grenoble), soutenance prévue en octobre 2018.
PhD in progress: Grégoire Niéto (Université de Grenoble Alpes), Dispositifs de capture de type «caméra plénoptique» pour la vision à grande distance, et algorithmes de traitement et de visualisation, encadrée par Frédéric Devernay et dirigée par James Crowley (LIG, Grenoble), soutenance prévue en octobre 2017.
PhD in progress: Robin Roussel. Function-aware design for objects to be fabricated. UCL London. Octber 2015-September 2018.Niloy Mitra, Marie-Paule Cani and Jean-Claude Léon.
PhD in progress: Tibor Stanko. Modélisation de surfaces lisses maillées à partir de capteurs inertiels. Thèse CEA. October 2014- September 2017. Stefanie Hahmann and GP Bonneau.
M2R: Thibault Blanc-Beyne, Ensimag, Géraldine Morin (ENSEEIHT), Stefanie Hahmann
M2R: Amélie Fondevilla, Ensimag, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer
M2R: Thibault Lejemble, Ensimag, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer
M2R: Estelle Noé, ParisTech et KTH, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani
Marie-Paule Cani was member of the PhD committees of Elisabeth Rousset (Equipe IIHM, UGA), Yoann Weber (Université de Limoges), and Hamza Chouh (CEA Saclay - Université de Lyon).
Remi Ronfard was a reader (rapporteur) for the PhD thesis of Fabio Zund, Augmented reality storytelling, ETH Zurich, October 2016.
Stefanie Hahmann was a reviewer (rapporteur) for the PhD thesis of Florian Canezin (Univ. Toulouse), Hoang Ha Nguyen (Université Aix-Marseille) and Ngels Cervero (UPC Universitat Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona).
Jean-Claude Léon was reviewer (apporteur) for the PhD thesis of Lei Zhang (Ecole Centrale Marseille)