Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
François Castella gave a course in M1 on kinetic equations, university of Rennes 1 (60 hours).
Philippe Chartier gave a course in L3 on ordinary differential equations, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes (24 hours).
Philippe Chartier gave a course in M2 on geometric numerical integration and averaging methods, university of Rennes 1 (24 hours).
Nicolas Crouseilles gave a course in M2 on numerical methods for kinetic equations, university of Rennes 1 (12 hours).
Arnaud Debussche gave a course in M2 on stochastic partial differential equations, university of Rennes 1 (24 hours).
Erwan Faou gave a course in M1 on modelisation and numerical analysis of PDEs, ENS Paris, in collaboration with E. Dormy.
Mohammed Lemou gave a course in M2 on partial differential equations, university of Rennes 1 (24 hours).
François Castella supervises the PhD thesis of Valentin Doli, Mathematical and ecological study of the propagation of a specific virus attacking plants, (2014-). Co-advisor: Frédéric Hamelin (Agro-Rennes).
François Castella and Philippe Chartier supervised the PhD thesis of Julie Sauzeau, Highly-oscillatory central manifold and application to ecology (2013-2016). Julie Sauzeau is now teacher.
Nicolas Crouseilles and Erwan Faou supervise the PhD thesis of Joackim Bernier, Mathematical and numerical anaysis of nonlinear transport equations, (2016-).
Nicolas Crouseilles and Mohammed Lemou supervised the PhD thesis of Hélène Hivert Mathematical and numerical study of kinetic model and their asymptotics: diffusion and anomalous diffusion limit, (2013-2016). Hélène Hivert is now post-doc at ENS Lyon.
Erwan Faou supervises the PhD thesis of Romain Horsin, Mathematical and numerical analysis of the Vlasov-HMF model, (2014-). Co-advisor: Frédéric Rousset (university Paris Sud Orsay).
Arnaud Debussche supervizes the PhD thesis of Mac Jugal Nankep PDMP with spatial dependency for the dynamics of gene networks, (2014-).
Arnaud Debussche and Florian Méhats are supervisors of the PhD thesis of Maxime Tusseau. Highly oscillatory nonlinear Schrödinger equation with stochastic potential, (2013-).
Mohammed Lemou and Florian Méhats are supervisors of the PhD thesis of Marine Malo Collisionless kinetic equations: stability, oscillations, (2015-).
Erwan Faou was referee of the PhD thesis of Ahmed-Amine Homman (CEA and ENPC), june 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was referee of the PhD thesis of Mehdi Badsi (university Paris 6), october 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was referee of the PhD thesis of Nhung Pham (university of Strasbourg), december 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Julie Sauzeau (university of Rennes 1), june 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was referee of the PhD thesis of Nathalie Ayi (university of Nice), june 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was member of jury of the PhD thesis of Vincent Renault (university of Paris 6), september 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was referee of the PhD thesis of Thomas Le Roy (university Paris 6), january 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was referee of the PhD thesis of Ankit Ruhi (IIS, Bangalore, India), december 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Sébastien Guisset (university of Bordeaux 1), september 2016.