Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
François Castella and Philippe Chartier organized the workshop "Multiscale methods for Schödinger and kinetic equations", Saint-Malo (France), december 12-14, 2016.
Arnaud Debussche organized the conference "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications-X, Levico Terme (Italy), may 30-june 4, 2016.
Erwan Faou organized the workshop "Geometric Numerical Integration", Oberwolfach (Germany), march 20-26, 2016. Co-organized with E. Hairer, M. Hochbruck and C. Lubich.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Philippe Chartier is member of the editorial board of "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis" (2007-).
Arnaud Debussche is editor in chief of the journal "Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: analysis and computations".
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of Potential Analysis (2011-).
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of Differential and Integral Equations (2002-).
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of ESAIM:PROC (2012-).
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of Journal of Evolution Equation (2014-).
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of Applied Mathematics & Optimization (2014-).
Arnaud Debussche is member of the editorial board of the collection : "Mathématiques & Applications" (Springer).
Erwan Faou was editor of the Oberwolfach reports [31] (2016).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Members of IPSO are reviewers for almost the journals in which they publish.
Invited Talks
Philippe Chartier was invited speaker at the workshop "Mould calculus, from multiple zeta values to B-series", Pau (France), december 1-2, 2016.
Philippe Chartier was plenary speaker at the international conference ICNAAM, Rhodes (Greece), september 2016.
Philippe Chartier was invited speaker at the workshop "GAMPP", IPP Garching (Germany), september 12-16, 2016.
Philippe Chartier was invited speaker at the workshop "Stability and discretization issues in differential equations", Trieste (Italy), june 2016.
Philippe Chartier gave a seminar at the university of Lille (France), june 9, 2016.
Philippe Chartier was invited speaker at Meeting ANR Moonrise, Toulouse (France), june 2-3, 2016.
Philippe Chartier gave a seminar at the university of Geneva (Switzerland), may 26-june 1, 2016.
Philippe Chartier was invited at the workshop "Geometric Numerical Integration", Oberwolfach (Germany), march 20-26, 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was invited at the workshop "Geometric Numerical Integration", Oberwolfach (Germany), march 20-26, 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles gave a seminar at the university of Geneva (Switzerland), may 13, 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles gave a seminar at the university of Paris Sud, Orsay (France), november 17, 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was invited speaker at the workshop "NumKin", Strasbourg (France), october 17-21, 2016.
Nicolas Crouseilles was invited speaker at the workshop "Kinet", Madison (US), april 21-25, 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was invited speaker at the workshop "Probabilistic models-from discrete to continuous", university of Warwick (UK), march 29-april 2, 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was invited speaker at the workshop "Stochastic Analysis and Related Fields", Humboldt university Berlin (Germany), july 28-30, 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was invited speaker at the workshop "Nonlinear Wave and Dispersive Equations", Kyoto university (Japan), september 6-8, 2016.
Arnaud Debussche was invited speaker at the workshop "Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equations: Analysis and Numerics", TU Berlin (Germany), november 3-5, 2016.
Erwan Faou gave a seminar at the CERMICS, Marne-La-Vallée (France), december 2016.
Erwan Faou was invited at the workshop "Structure and scaling in computational field theories", Oslo (Norway), november 2016.
Erwan Faou was invited at the conference "Nonlinear waves", IHES (France), may 2016.
Erwan Faou was invited at the workshop "Nonlinear Evolution Problems", Oberwolfach (Germany), march 2016.
Erwan Faou was invited at the workshop "Recent trends in nonlinear evolution equations", CIRM-Luminy (France), april 4-8, 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was plenary speaker at the workshop "Asymptotic behavior of systems of PDE arising in physics and biology: theoretical and numerical points of view", Lille (France), june 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was invited speaker at the workshop "NumKin", Strasbourg (France), october 17-21, 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was invited speaker at the workshop "Kinet", Madison (US), april 21-25, 2016.
Mohammed Lemou was invited speaker at the ANR Moonrise Meeting, Toulouse (France), june 2016.
Florian Méhats was plenary speaker at the workshop "Journée des jeunes EDPistes français", Bordeaux (France).
Florian Méhats gave a seminar of the university of Paris Sud, Orsay (France).
Florian Méhats gave a seminar of the university of Nice (France).
Florian Méhats gave a seminar of the university of Lille (France).
Scientific Expertise
Philippe Chartier was member of the hiring committee of an associate professor, university of Trondheim (Norway).
Philippe Chartier was member of the hiring committee CR2-Inria (Bordeaux).
Nicolas Crouseilles was member of the CORDI-S committee at Inria-Rennes.
Arnaud Debussche was a member of the hiring committee of a professor, university of Rennes 1
Arnaud Debussche was a member of the hiring committee of a "Maître de conférence", university of Orléans.
Mohammed Lemou was member of the hiring committee of a professor, university of Rennes 1.
Mohammed Lemou was was a member of the hiring committee of a "Maître de conférence", university of Nantes.
Research Administration
François Castella is member of the IRMAR laboratory council.
Philippe Chartier is the vice-head of science (DSA) of the Rennes Inria-Center.
Philippe Chartier is member of the direction committee (ED) of the Rennes Inria-Center.
Philippe Chartier is member of the national evaluation committee (CE) of Inria.
Nicolas Crouseilles is member of the Scientific Council of the ENS Rennes.
Nicolas Crouseilles is member of the committee of the Fédération de Fusion".
Arnaud Debussche is vice president in charge of research and international relations of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes.
Arnaud Debussche is member of the executive board of the Lebesgue Center.
Arnaud Debussche is director of the "Agence Lebesgue de Mathématiques pour l'Innovation".
Erwan Faou was member of the COST-GTRI (Comité d'orientation scientifique et technologique, groupe de travail pour les relations internationales) at Inria.
Erwan Faou is member of the Scientific Council of the Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci.
Mohammed Lemou is member of the Scientific Council of the ENS Rennes.
Mohammed Lemou is member of the Scientific Council of the Lebesgue Center.
Mohammed Lemou is head of the team "analyse numérique" of IRMAR laboratory.